The hottest Product Review Substack posts right now

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Justin E. H. Smith's Hinternet ā€¢ 380 implied HN points ā€¢ 11 Feb 24
  1. The reviewer advises against buying the Apple Vision Pro due to a nightmarish experience, despite some impressive functionalities.
  2. Wearing the Apple Vision Pro glasses outside the U.S. seemed to unlock strange powers, leading to a dependency and unsettling experiences for the reviewer.
  3. The reviewer recounts a troubling progression of events after wearing the glasses for a few days, suggesting a Faustian bargain and a loss of control.
My Home Office Hacks ā€¢ 17 implied HN points ā€¢ 17 Apr 23
  1. Feeling guilty for liking Microsoft is common, but their ergonomic keyboard can be a game-changer for typing comfort.
  2. Regularly cleaning your coffee machine, with a simple vinegar-water solution, can greatly improve the taste of your coffee.
  3. Consider subscribing to the My First Million Newsletter for insightful articles and a recap of The MFM Podcast.
My Home Office Hacks ā€¢ 10 implied HN points ā€¢ 12 Jun 23
  1. Smartwatches are more than just a fashion statement and actually offer practical features like heart rate monitoring and step tracking.
  2. Investing a bit more for a smartwatch with additional features like customizable watch faces and comfortable design can be worth it.
  3. Utilize focus hacks like the 'Focus' feature in Microsoft Word to improve concentration and minimize distractions.
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