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The Sunday Wisdom 19 implied HN points 11 Feb 24
  1. Metaphors are powerful tools we use to explain complex phenomena by comparing them to more familiar things. Comparisons help bridge our understanding of difficult concepts.
  2. Interpreting art and literature involves uncovering the deeper meanings hidden below the surface. Sometimes, the pursuit of meaning where none exists can lead to misinterpretation.
  3. Randomness was not always accepted as a concept. The shift to valuing randomization, like in randomised controlled trials, required a departure from attributing meanings to random events and a move towards empirical understanding.
From the New World 134 implied HN points 26 Jul 23
  1. The allegory in the post highlights the importance of accepting dissenting opinions for societal growth and decision-making
  2. Machine learning techniques that introduce randomness can lead to more freedom and subversion within regimes
  3. Taboos and conformity can be tools used by the illegitimate against the legitimate, but confronting these can inspire hope for Western dissidents
Arpit’s Newsletter 157 implied HN points 22 Mar 23
  1. Thundering Herd Problem can overwhelm a server when multiple clients retry requests simultaneously.
  2. Exponential Backoff introduces delays between retries to give servers breathing space and time to recover.
  3. Adding randomness (Jitter) to retry intervals helps distribute retries and avoid coinciding, easing the server load.
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