The hottest Social Health Substack posts right now

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Top Health & Wellness Topics
Austin's Analects 119 implied HN points 03 Jun 22
  1. Reflect on past achievements and activities regularly to gain insights and set future goals.
  2. Physical health can be impacted by unexpected factors like high cholesterol, prompting a need for lifestyle adjustments.
  3. To build wealth efficiently, focus on building equity in businesses and investing in opportunities that align personal interests with financial gains.
Austin's Analects 99 implied HN points 01 Jul 22
  1. Prioritize your main fitness goal to avoid injury or burnout when balancing sports and working out.
  2. Traveling can bring spontaneity and new ideas, but routine lovers may find it challenging at times.
  3. Taking a break from social media can lead to increased happiness, and reflecting on financial priorities can inspire long-term wealth building for better stories.
Austin's Analects 119 implied HN points 01 Apr 22
  1. Taking rest days is crucial for physical health and recovery, even if it feels like falling behind in fitness goals.
  2. Avoiding injury is a key secret to long-term fitness success, and consistent exercise is more beneficial than occasional intense workouts.
  3. Prioritize spending time with friends and loved ones, as life is short and opportunities to connect dwindle as time goes on.
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Austin's Analects 0 implied HN points 02 Jun 23
  1. Reflecting on the past year through an annual review can help you realize accomplishments, identify areas for improvement, and set goals for the future.
  2. Identifying supportive habits, people, and environments, as well as recognizing blockers, can help in planning personal growth and success in the upcoming year.
  3. Setting specific, controllable goals in various aspects of life like physical health, mental growth, social connections, and financial stability can lead to a more structured and purposeful year ahead.