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Vesuvius Challenge β€’ 21 implied HN points β€’ 27 Feb 24
  1. Over $500,000 in new prizes announced for 2024, including a $100,000 Grand Prize.
  2. Various prizes like the First Automated Segmentation Prize, First Letters Prizes, and Monthly Progress Prizes aim to drive progress towards community goals.
  3. Opportunities for second place prizes add to the total prize pool, providing even more chances for participants to win.
GM Shaders Mini Tuts β€’ 157 implied HN points β€’ 02 Sep 23
  1. When working with shaders, think in terms of vector fields to direct the flow and create gradients.
  2. Consider the acceptable input domains and the output ranges of your functions to prevent errors and unexpected results.
  3. Utilize periodic functions for repetition, sine and cosine for waves and rotations, dot product as a ruler, and exponentiation for adjusting brightness levels.
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GM Shaders Mini Tuts β€’ 39 implied HN points β€’ 07 Oct 23
  1. Different vector spaces like texture space, screen space, object space, world space, view space, and projection space serve specific purposes in graphics programming.
  2. Understanding these spaces helps in manipulating orientation, scales, positioning, and skewing of vectors for advanced effects like fog, SSAO, and shadow mapping.
  3. Each space has unique characteristics, such as how texture space is measured in texel units and world space represents position in the room.
Technology Made Simple β€’ 39 implied HN points β€’ 09 Aug 22
  1. Optimizing the power function using logarithmic time can be a game-changer, making computations quicker and efficient.
  2. Understanding and applying mathematical tricks like leveraging even and odd numbers can significantly reduce the number of instructions needed to solve a problem.
  3. Learning to optimize algorithms using divide and conquer techniques, such as in the power function example, can enhance problem-solving skills and overall coding proficiency.
Technology Made Simple β€’ 39 implied HN points β€’ 15 Feb 22
  1. Topological sort is an important concept for solving interview questions and can help with understanding various problems.
  2. Focusing on quality over quantity in coding practice and targeted improvement is key for successful Leetcode preparation.
  3. Engaging with a community, following quality resources, and practicing mock interviews can greatly enhance your coding and interview skills.
Women On Rails Newsletter - International Version β€’ 19 implied HN points β€’ 26 Apr 22
  1. The newsletter covers a new HTTP status code and updates on frameworks like Astro and Redwood.
  2. Tips on building relationships with difficult colleagues, recruiting juniors effectively, and balancing coding as a manager.
  3. Exploring resources for better coding practices like semantic HTML and a DNS playground.
Quantum Formalism β€’ 0 implied HN points β€’ 18 Aug 20
  1. The upcoming quantum formalism course will officially start on Friday, September 18 at around 6 pm BST | 1 pm ET | 10 am PT with live lectures capped at 50 attendees.
  2. If you wish to participate in the live lectures, ensure you fill out the form provided in advance; failing to attend a registered live lecture might affect your future invites.
  3. Pre-course refresher materials and guidance are available on GitHub for the basics of number systems, particularly real and complex numbers.
Erik Explores β€’ 0 implied HN points β€’ 08 Apr 23
  1. In Affinity Photo, skin tones can be adjusted using blend modes and blending ranges.
  2. Understanding blend modes categories like Darken, Lighten, Color, and Contrast helps in practical applications.
  3. Blending ranges in Affinity Photo are useful for altering skin tones by using techniques like color burn, multiply, and adjusting opacity for different tone ranges.