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Sarah's Newsletter 139 implied HN points 15 Aug 23
  1. Fully personalized user journeys rely on correlating anonymous source events to authenticated users.
  2. Identity resolution involves collecting anonymous visitor data, mapping them to authenticated users, and merging duplicate accounts.
  3. Implementing event tracking through cookies and URL parameters is crucial for resolving identities across applications and domains.
Cooking Without Borders 2 HN points 18 May 23
  1. Prompting LLMs, like ChatGPT, requires clear and specific instructions to get valuable output.
  2. Give the model time to 'think' by breaking down complex tasks into smaller steps for improved accuracy.
  3. Use techniques like few-shot prompting to guide the model towards desired outputs and prevent prompt injection.
Full Context Development 0 implied HN points 03 Mar 23
  1. Electric Clojure introduces a new programming language for full stack web apps, automating backend and frontend communication.
  2. Next.js v13.2 brings significant improvements in caching, compatibility with Webpack loaders, and statically typed links, impacting customer experience and reducing infrastructure costs.
  3. Mitosis, Zag, and Bling are tools designed to simplify frontend development by abstracting away differences between frameworks, potentially enhancing productivity and customer experience.
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