Astral Codex Ten $10 / month

Astral Codex Ten delves into a wide array of subjects, including the scrutinization of conspiracy theories, expert predictions on global catastrophes, the intersection of transgender health issues with genetics, current events, long COVID research, quirky global occurrences, AI in forecasting, and book reviews. It focuses on critical analysis, scientific skepticism, and forecasting accuracy.

Conspiracy Theories Global Catastrophes Transgender Health Current Events Long COVID Quirky Global Occurrences Artificial Intelligence Forecasting Book Reviews

The hottest Substack posts of Astral Codex Ten

And their main takeaways
4749 implied HN points 08 Jan 24
  1. Weekly open thread for sharing anything or asking questions.
  2. Seeking volunteers in different expertise areas for reviewing proposals.
  3. Discussion on the impact of distinctively black names on job interviews and life outcomes.
3097 implied HN points 05 Feb 24
  1. Weekly visible open thread for posting anything.
  2. Clarifications on prediction markets and schizophrenia genetics.
  3. Announcement of new subscriber-only post about Democratic Socialists' budget crisis.
2615 implied HN points 12 Feb 24
  1. The post is about an open thread where people can discuss different topics freely.
  2. There is information about ACX Grants projects and a request for legal help with charity and tax deductions.
  3. The post mentions links to related channels like a subreddit, Discord, bulletin board, and in-person meetups.
2271 implied HN points 19 Feb 24
  1. ACX provides an open thread for weekly discussions where users can post anything, ask questions, and engage in various topics.
  2. ACX Grants project includes initiatives like exploring a mutation to turn off suffering and opportunities for researchers in AI safety.
  3. ACX mentions upcoming events like a book review contest with updated rules and a pushed back due date.
2202 implied HN points 29 Jan 24
  1. Genes matter 2x as much as the environment in schizophrenia, not 4x as previously thought
  2. A study on political reasoning errors failed to replicate, questioning a larger literature on the topic
  3. Humans merging with AI may not be unprecedented, as evidenced by a medieval Italian man merging with a knife
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9153 implied HN points 20 Jul 23
  1. Experts and superforecasters had a strong disagreement on the likelihood of global catastrophes.
  2. The tournament explored global disaster risks, with 'Catastrophe' meaning an event killing over 10% of the population, and 'Extinction' meaning reducing human population below 5,000.
  3. The tournament highlighted the challenges in aligning expert predictions, potential biases in forecasts, and the complexities of forecasting AI-related risks.
6194 implied HN points 04 Aug 23
  1. During the fall of the Soviet Union, activists creatively countered authorities by using lemons to silence a brass band.
  2. Corrupt officials, including Vladimir Putin, diverted imported meat from Leningrad to Moscow leading up to a failed coup.
  3. US politicians have cute personal stories to humanize, but Putin's lack of reaction to his dog's death reflects his impervious exterior.
9498 implied HN points 16 Mar 23
  1. Transgender people have reported higher rates of Ehlers-Danlos syndrome (EDS) and joint disorders.
  2. Possible reasons for this include genetics, estrogen, and a connection to autism.
  3. Research shows a higher incidence of joint issues in transgender individuals, suggesting a potential link that requires further exploration.
8396 implied HN points 01 Jun 23
  1. The Nisean horse was highly regarded by ancient civilizations and fought over in wars
  2. UNAM university in Mexico is operating an octopus farm disguised as a research center
  3. Research shows that the Success Sequence may not accurately measure outcomes due to various factors
9635 implied HN points 09 Feb 23
  1. Cultured meat companies preparing to sell exotic meats like lion and tiger meat.
  2. Government lifting restrictions on suboxone prescription for opioid abuse treatment.
  3. Interesting facts about Carl Sagan's marriages and personal life.
1101 implied HN points 06 Jan 24
  1. It is a paid post for subscribers only.
  2. The content is from
  3. There are options to subscribe or sign in if you are a paid subscriber.
5919 implied HN points 23 May 23
  1. A play money prediction market turned serious when whales v. minnows gambling escalated, resulting in heavy financial losses, leading to ethical challenges.
  2. Congress is facing the decision of raising the debt ceiling, which if not resolved, could lead to severe economic consequences.
  3. Research shows that experts fare better than algorithms and non-experts in long-term geopolitical forecasting, raising questions about the accuracy and possibilities of such predictions.
757 implied HN points 19 Jan 24
  1. The post 'Hidden Open Thread 311.5' is intended for paid subscribers only.
  2. The article was published on January 19, 2024.
  3. To access the full content, users need to subscribe to Astral Codex Ten.
4542 implied HN points 10 May 23
  1. Density is correlated with high prices, but demand, rather than new units, drives prices up.
  2. Long-term, attracting people through desirability is more impactful than building more houses alone.
  3. Building new housing may attract trendy cities, but some cities may have capped trendiness and adding density won't make them more popular.
344 implied HN points 17 Feb 24
  1. The post is exclusive for paid subscribers, indicating it contains premium content for a specific audience.
  2. Readers can subscribe to access the post or sign in if they are already paid subscribers.
  3. The post shares a link and encourages engagement by allowing sharing and comments.
619 implied HN points 11 Jan 24
  1. The post 'Hidden Open Thread 310.5' is for paid subscribers only.
  2. The post was published on January 11, 2024.
  3. The post has a link to comments section, but requires a subscription to access.
3923 implied HN points 25 Apr 23
  1. Using AI for forecasting future world events is a growing field with potential benefits over human forecasters.
  2. Metaculus has been found to be more accurate than low-information priors and its competitor Manifold Markets, showing the potential of crowdsourcing for predictions.
  3. Exploring AI forecasting through platforms like Polymarket, Metaculus, and Manifold provides insight into trends, such as the interest in prediction markets among sci-tech celebrities.
344 implied HN points 26 Jan 24
  1. The post is for paid subscribers only
  2. The post is from January 26, 2024
  3. There is a link to subscribe for access to the post