Range Widely

Range Widely is a newsletter focused on exploring a broad spectrum of ideas and disciplines. It emphasizes creativity, innovation, and the importance of a flexible, interdisciplinary approach. The content spans from productivity techniques, sports innovation, scientific discoveries, to philosophical musings and historical anecdotes, advocating for a generalist perspective in a specialized world.

Creativity and Innovation Productivity and Performance Historical Insights Scientific Discoveries Philosophical Musings Personal Development Leadership and Management Sports and Athletics Technology and AI Health and Medicine Reading and Literature Societal Issues

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2771 implied HN points β€’ 05 Dec 23
  1. Individual differences in brain chemistry can influence how people respond to stressful situations and medications.
  2. Using 'smart drugs' like Ritalin and Adderall may make people try harder but perform worse on certain tasks.
  3. It's important to understand your own ideal level of arousal for peak performance and adjust your work environment accordingly.
3184 implied HN points β€’ 03 Oct 23
  1. Sometimes, to solve problems, we should consider taking things away rather than adding more.
  2. Interesting distractions can increase accidents on roads by affecting a driver's cognitive load.
  3. Humans tend to overlook solutions that involve removing things, and the subtraction game can be a helpful approach in various aspects of life.
648 implied HN points β€’ 10 Feb 24
  1. Work in planned intervals, alternating periods of focused work with breaks, to improve productivity and focus.
  2. Avoid constant distractions from your phone by turning it off or putting it away when you need deep focus.
  3. Be mindful of managing your attentional resources throughout the day, noticing patterns of focus and taking breaks to avoid burnout.
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1847 implied HN points β€’ 08 Nov 23
  1. Virginia Woolf persevered through criticism and self-doubt to publish multiple books.
  2. Virginia Woolf's ability to care deeply about her core project made criticism seem less significant.
  3. Drawing inspiration from Virginia Woolf, one can channel inner strength to overcome challenges in pursuing important projects.
530 implied HN points β€’ 06 Feb 24
  1. Pablo Torre's podcast _Pablo Torre Finds Out_ covers a wide range of topics beyond sports, aiming to entertain and inform across various subjects.
  2. Pablo Torre's show structure includes deep-dive episodes, talk show-style segments with friends, and one-on-one interviews with notable personalities, allowing for a diverse range of content.
  3. Balancing investigative reporting with entertaining content, Pablo Torre's podcast provides insightful stories while treating sports fans like adults.
1002 implied HN points β€’ 19 Dec 23
  1. The awards featured various categories like Best Quote for One's Own Obituary and Best Nobel/Olympic Family.
  2. Interesting fact shared about the empty space in atoms: if atom nucleus was the size of a tennis ball, the electron would be orbiting in New Jersey.
  3. Fascinating insights on different topics, from Saxon riddles to Nobel Prize connections, were shared in the post.
1159 implied HN points β€’ 11 Jul 23
  1. Natural experiments in medicine provide unique research opportunities that can't be replicated in a lab setting.
  2. Even small disruptions, like marathon road closures, can have significant impacts on public health and mortality rates.
  3. Factors like doctor's prescribing habits and patient age can have lasting effects on opioid use and patient outcomes.
1827 implied HN points β€’ 28 Dec 22
  1. Frances Hesselbein was a remarkable leader who focused on doing what was needed at the time, leading from the heart rather than seeking attention.
  2. Frances Hesselbein transformed the Girl Scouts organization by promoting diversity, adding math and science badges, and growing the cookie business.
  3. Frances Hesselbein's leadership philosophy emphasized being over doing, leaving a lasting impact on those around her.
1336 implied HN points β€’ 07 Mar 23
  1. Success is not always a good teacher, especially in unpredictable and impactful scenarios like earthquakes
  2. Differentiate between 'kind' and 'wicked' learning environments, where experience can either improve judgment or give false confidence
  3. Reflecting on and analyzing experiences can lead to better learning outcomes than relying solely on intuition or repetitive actions
1179 implied HN points β€’ 24 Jan 23
  1. Success may bring love temporarily, but it is not permanent.
  2. Female athletes face challenges in their careers, including body image and societal expectations.
  3. Achievement may not always bring the personal fulfillment expected, leading to a need to find satisfaction within oneself.
1002 implied HN points β€’ 06 Jan 23
  1. The sudden death of a teammate inspired the author to write about sudden cardiac death in athletes.
  2. Understanding genetics in sudden cardiac death revealed genetic complexity and challenges in personalized medicine.
  3. Recommendations include knowing family medical history, getting CPR certified, supporting customized preparticipation screening, and considering implantable devices for those at risk.
766 implied HN points β€’ 07 Feb 23
  1. The story involves a rare genetic condition shared by an Olympian and a DIY scientist.
  2. The DIY scientist reached out to a reporter to connect with the Olympian for a genetic test.
  3. The collaboration between the three individuals resulted in a unique and intriguing story.
923 implied HN points β€’ 17 Nov 22
  1. Have 'kill criteria' before starting a new job, investment, or relationship.
  2. Professionals excel at quitting when necessary, both in poker and in life.
  3. Setting 'kill criteria' and getting outside help are key to smarter quitting decisions.
727 implied HN points β€’ 13 Dec 22
  1. Range Widely is now a reader-supported publication.
  2. Bulletin platform supported more time-intensive posts like Q&As and engaging comments.
  3. Consider becoming a paid subscriber to support Range Widely's continued improvement.
471 implied HN points β€’ 22 Dec 22
  1. Lance Mackey won the Iditarod in an unusual way with his 'marathon style' strategy.
  2. Lance Mackey's life was an oscillation of tragedy and triumph, facing personal struggles and professional highs and lows.
  3. Mike Leach, a football coach known for innovation, shared a funny and unique story about solving his team's kicking troubles.
353 implied HN points β€’ 17 Oct 22
  1. Research shows a nuanced link between creativity and mental illness.
  2. Overall, individuals in creative professions are less likely to have diagnosed mental illnesses.
  3. Family members of creative professionals may have a higher likelihood of certain mental illnesses.
294 implied HN points β€’ 14 Aug 22
  1. Icebreakers are powerful in building connection and trust by creating moments of shared vulnerability.
  2. Belonging cues are crucial in team culture, signaling 'You matter' and fostering psychological safety.
  3. Creating a psychologically safe culture in remote teams can be optimized through alternating in-person and remote interactions, warm-ups in meetings, dividing work into productive and creative buckets, and experimenting.
176 implied HN points β€’ 20 Sep 22
  1. Running has different effects on men and women, but it's great for your heart health and longevity.
  2. There's no evidence that habitual running leads to more knee problems, compared to not running.
  3. Exercise in a way that makes you happy and consistent, regardless of the order of cardio or weights.