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DrawTogether with WendyMac 2928 implied HN points 14 Jan 24
  1. 30-Day Drawing Habit involves fun drawing lessons with no tests or rules, encouraging experimentation and new perspectives.
  2. Drawing should be fun, and to keep it that way, focus on playfulness, connection, and flow while letting go of perfectionism and judgement.
  3. Having fun while drawing helps retrain the brain to focus on positive things, promotes wellbeing, and can replace the urge to seek entertainment on social media.
Letters of Note 1611 implied HN points 19 Jan 24
  1. 10-year-old John F. Kennedy asked for a raise of 30 cents in a formal letter to his father.
  2. The letter explained his need for more money to buy scout items and be responsible with his spending.
  3. His father required a written request for the raise, teaching John a quick business lesson.
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Natto Thoughts 39 implied HN points 18 Jan 24
  1. Timothy Snyder promotes the 'Politics of Responsibility' as a way to address political anxieties and avoid complacency.
  2. Snyder emphasizes the importance of defending institutions like the free press and democracy, even in the face of imperfections and challenges.
  3. Cultivating hope involves helping others, living in the present, seeking quiet signs of progress, and building community connections to strengthen societal bonds.
Behavioral Value Investor 148 implied HN points 06 Aug 23
  1. Even successful investors like Warren Buffett make mistakes, which is a crucial lesson for all investors.
  2. When investing, it's important to stick to your circle of competence to avoid big investing mistakes.
  3. Paying a high price for an investment with little room for error can be a risky move, highlighting the importance of a margin of safety.
Becoming Noble 139 implied HN points 17 Jan 23
  1. Conflict breeds opportunity by weakening established systems and making resources attainable by those with determination.
  2. Recognize opportunities that others may overlook, commit wholeheartedly to your vision, and be willing to endure hardships for success.
  3. In challenging and unstable environments, respect the law but be prepared to protect yourself and your interests; be proactive, expand protections, and never be naive.
The Radar 119 implied HN points 27 Mar 23
  1. Operation Northern Delay showcased the flexibility and ingenuity of the US Air Force in strategically deploying troops into Iraq.
  2. The mission, though not strictly necessary, served as a valuable training opportunity for soldiers and aircrews, refining joint force skills.
  3. Combat operations like Operation Northern Delay also communicate strategic messages to adversaries and influence operational planning.
Castles in the Sky 52 implied HN points 23 May 23
  1. Gangster movies can offer lessons on being a better man and person, despite the characters' flaws.
  2. Being a good man involves being a protector and provider, different from just being a good person.
  3. Contrasts in character arcs in gangster movies highlight the distinction between being a bad person and a bad man.
The Octavian Report 24 implied HN points 13 Sep 23
  1. The Octavian Report will be returning from hiatus and resuming regular publication next week.
  2. Attend an author event on Tuesday, September 21 at the Museum of Jewish Heritage in New York.
  3. Richard Hurowitz will discuss his book _In the Garden of the Righteous_ with Margaret Hoover, telling stories of rescuers during the Holocaust.
Fish Food for Thought 4 implied HN points 20 Sep 23
  1. The origins of words and symbols can teach us valuable lessons about history.
  2. Understanding the history of an organization can help integrate new members and create a sense of unity.
  3. Knowledge of history in a society fosters patriotism, informed decision-making, tolerance, and well-rounded individuals.
Economic Forces 2 implied HN points 23 Nov 23
  1. Costs involve more than just money, they include opportunity costs and trade-offs that consider various factors like time and value.
  2. Efficiency in economics refers to Pareto efficiency, where all gains from trade are exhausted, and serves as a tool for understanding real-world allocations.
  3. Profits and losses in market economies act as selection mechanisms, with losses signaling inefficiency and prompting resources to be reallocated effectively.
Poczwardowski Notes 0 implied HN points 27 Oct 23
  1. Derek Sivers offers unique business insights through 40 lessons from his experience at CD Baby.
  2. The book challenges the traditional view of companies solely pursuing growth and profit, encouraging readers to think differently.
  3. Changing our assumptions and learning from Sivers' lessons can lead to growth not just in business, but in various aspects of our lives.
What They Did Right 0 implied HN points 22 May 23
  1. Put your product in front of potential customers early to gather feedback; distribution and strategic partnerships are key to success.
  2. Building a successful business takes time; commit at least five years to your business to see significant growth.
  3. Identify when to follow the crowd vs. when to stand out; defining your own destiny can lead to success.