🎮 Becoming Cracked

🎮 Becoming Cracked follows a 24-year-old's journey to excel at app development and content creation. It shares 'cheat codes', personal growth insights, and documents the highs and lows of building startups, with a focus on leveraging social media, learning effectively, personal branding, and the exploration of Web3 and mental health startup concepts.

Startup Development Personal Growth App Development Content Creation Social Media Strategy Learning Strategies Personal Branding Web3 Mental Health Product-Market Fit

The hottest Substack posts of 🎮 Becoming Cracked

And their main takeaways
39 implied HN points 03 Oct 22
  1. The author is exploring Web3 concepts and considering applying to Y Combinator.
  2. Product-market fit can feel like a desert, but user engagement with specific features offers hope.
  3. Focusing on learning how to learn is seen as a valuable skill for long-term success.
39 implied HN points 30 Jun 22
  1. Consistent meditation is crucial for strong mental health.
  2. Gamification in apps involves more than just points and badges.
  3. Meeting users where they are at can be key to encouraging positive habits.
78 implied HN points 27 Feb 21
  1. Building a personal brand can lead to significant opportunities and investments.
  2. Always think long-term and work on skills that will be valuable in the future.
  3. Consider time preference and invest in skills that will bring exponential benefits over time.
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19 implied HN points 19 Jul 22
  1. The author is documenting their journey of personal growth, building startups, and creating content transparently.
  2. They emphasize the importance of action over excessive planning, outsourcing tasks, and setting specific goals.
  3. The author focuses on areas like personal branding, user experience, and self-improvement as pillars for growth and leverages them for their startup.
19 implied HN points 08 Jul 22
  1. The importance of finding a co-founder who shares your values and vision.
  2. Facing discomfort can lead to personal growth and overcoming limiting beliefs.
  3. Building a successful product involves testing for product-market fit and continuously improving based on user feedback.
19 implied HN points 08 Jul 22
  1. Creating a unique selling point can make your product stand out in a competitive market.
  2. Validating your product through user feedback and willingness to pay is crucial for success.
  3. Identifying areas for improvement and being willing to learn and adapt are key traits for a successful entrepreneur.
19 implied HN points 05 Jul 22
  1. The internet has turned life into a massive online game where growth, progress, and exploration are key.
  2. Playing the Great Online Game simply involves realizing you're in it and taking intentional actions.
  3. Different classes like Content Creator, Entrepreneur, or Artist exist, and the game is always evolving with new updates and opportunities.