Everything Is Amazing

Everything Is Amazing is a newsletter exploring curiosity, creativity, and the joy of discovery in various contexts. It encourages asking better questions to enhance learning and experience. Topics range from personal development tips, social media strategies, and the importance of in-person interactions to the reliability of Wikipedia, space exploration, and the impact of natural phenomena.

Personal Development Social Media Communication Knowledge Sharing Space Exploration Geography Environmental Science Cultural Studies Memory Science and Technology Art and Literature Urban Planning Geology Perception Science Fiction Creativity

The hottest Substack posts of Everything Is Amazing

And their main takeaways
313 implied HN points 05 Dec 22
  1. Consider starting your own newsletter by stealing ideas from others.
  2. Being proactive with donations can make a positive impact in your community.
  3. Even subtle scientific questions like how a mountain makes you feel can be explored and understood.
431 implied HN points 18 Aug 22
  1. Geoengineering involves technological interventions in Earth's climate systems and is controversial.
  2. Mountains influence rainfall patterns, with potential downstream effects on ecosystems.
  3. Understanding the impact of geography on human behavior and considering how humans can manipulate landscapes for survival are important topics for exploration.
326 implied HN points 27 Jun 22
  1. The newsletter focuses on the fascination with Greek shelf colors and the backstory behind them.
  2. The upcoming season will explore the world of colors, including their impact on perception and behavior.
  3. The newsletter offers a storytelling course and provides access to both the old and upcoming versions for paid subscribers.
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470 implied HN points 05 Jan 22
  1. Make a stupid list of achievable things for 2022.
  2. Get enthusiastically nerdy about things that excite you.
  3. Challenge yourself to use tech with creative constraints.
313 implied HN points 14 Feb 22
  1. The newsletter is structured in seasons, with breaks in between for the author
  2. The author challenges readers to consider the beauty and importance of the ocean, where most of the planet is covered by water
  3. The author delves into the concept of the sublime and invites readers to join a reading circle through a new app called Threadable
313 implied HN points 12 Oct 21
  1. Seeing isn't always believing - optical illusions can make something seem impossible, but it's real.
  2. Curiosity thrives in uncertainty and questioning - embrace the Not Yet Knowing.
  3. Science is full of strange wonders - from floating cities to gravitational lensing, the world is wild.
470 implied HN points 19 Feb 21
  1. Avoid falling for clickbait by engaging in diverse and deep curiosity.
  2. Taking breaks from the internet can boost productivity and creativity.
  3. Explore new things randomly and without reason to stimulate curiosity and discovery.
209 HN points 23 Feb 22
  1. The Zanclean Megaflood was a cataclysmic event that refilled the Mediterranean Sea quickly with a massive amount of water.
  2. Geologists and researchers are still studying and debating the validity of the Zanclean Megaflood theory.
  3. The evidence of the Zanclean Megaflood includes geological formations and sediment deposits that suggest a rapid and powerful refilling of the Mediterranean Sea.
222 implied HN points 10 Dec 21
  1. Light pillars and other optical phenomena can create mesmerizing illusions in the sky.
  2. The existence of optical illusions challenges our perception of reality and the nature of scientific truth.
  3. Even though light pillars are not physically present in the sky, they are real optical phenomena caused by ice crystals reflecting light.
196 implied HN points 21 Jan 22
  1. Curiosity and wonder can help make life more bearable and hopeful.
  2. Consider supporting content creators you enjoy to help them grow and improve.
  3. Reflection on past experiences can lead to self-discovery and personal growth.
379 implied HN points 29 Jan 21
  1. The novel 'The City & the City' challenges the concept of alternate universes by exploring two cities coexisting in the same space, each invisible to the residents of the other.
  2. The story delves into the importance of expanding awareness and perception beyond conditioned biases, encouraging readers to 'Breach' and see beyond what is expected.
  3. The newsletter promotes curiosity and open-mindedness as tools to enrich and deepen one's understanding of the world, advocating for a broader perspective in everyday life.
196 implied HN points 27 Dec 21
  1. The importance of finding moments of peace and quiet in the midst of chaos
  2. Encouraging adults to relearn the joy of asking 'foolish' questions like children
  3. The impact of truly paying attention to the beauty around us
248 implied HN points 26 Aug 21
  1. The Thatcher Illusion tricks your brain with face recognition patterns.
  2. Optical illusions can surprise and teach about perceptual awareness.
  3. Season 3 of Everything is Amazing will focus on optical illusions and curiosity.
209 implied HN points 17 Nov 21
  1. Staring at certain patterns can create optical illusions and alter consciousness.
  2. Prolonged staring can lead to hallucinations or distortions in perception.
  3. Extreme staring may tap into deeper creativity and self-awareness but has potential risks.
209 implied HN points 23 Oct 21
  1. Humans tend to see familiar patterns in random things due to pareidolia, a cognitive bias.
  2. Anthropomorphism, attributing human traits to non-living things, can lead to sentimentality and care for objects like clothes, encouraging repair and reuse.
  3. Having an emotional connection to things may help in developing a sense of responsibility towards the environment and promoting sustainability.
156 implied HN points 18 Jan 22
  1. The concept of optical illusions challenges our certainty and encourages humility in learning
  2. Scientists face stereotypes that influence cultural perceptions and can impact real-world interactions
  3. Exploring visual and physical illusions can spark curiosity and a willingness to question the 'obvious' in everyday life
130 implied HN points 07 Feb 22
  1. The post discusses looking ahead to Season 4 and a free storytelling course.
  2. It talks about January as a time of renewal and hope.
  3. The content seems to be limited to paid subscribers only.
156 implied HN points 02 Nov 21
  1. The Metaverse concept may lead to a disconnect from the natural world and its benefits.
  2. The business model behind the Metaverse likely involves pervasive advertising, contrasting with the idealistic vision presented.
  3. Virtual worlds lack the depth and complexity of the real world, potentially promoting an unhealthy inward-focused lifestyle.
143 implied HN points 08 Nov 21
  1. MC Escher's artwork challenges perceptions and reality through optical illusions and mathematical precision.
  2. Escher's work was not immediately popular in traditional art circles but found admiration among scientists and mathematicians for its unique geometries.
  3. Escher's art encourages viewers to pay attention to details and question assumptions, reflecting his deep curiosity and love for the mysterious.
130 implied HN points 18 Dec 21
  1. Curiosity can lead to impulsive spending, sparked by unsatisfied cravings for knowledge.
  2. Asking better questions and avoiding quick answers fosters deeper curiosity and creativity.
  3. Annoyance from unanswered questions can spur meaningful inquiry and reveal satisfying insights over time.
117 implied HN points 13 Jan 22
  1. The newsletter is enhancing its layout on the web version thanks to Substack.
  2. A pinned post titled 'Start Here' will contain links to past and future content.
  3. The author will be having a conversation on Twitter Spaces at 6pm British time.
130 implied HN points 24 Nov 21
  1. Say thank you to a teacher who made an impact on your life, it can mean a lot to them
  2. Revisit your childhood interests and hobbies to reconnect with who you once were
  3. Take a retrospective adventure to a familiar place and see it in a new light, transformed over time
143 implied HN points 05 Jul 21
  1. Maps can contain fictitious places as a way to catch copycats.
  2. Agloe, a town in New York, started as a copyright trap but ended up becoming a real place.
  3. The story of Agloe, transitioning from fake to real and back to disputed, is a fascinating twist of geographical history.
183 implied HN points 03 Feb 21
  1. Serendipity and curiosity are important for mental well-being.
  2. Lockdowns can lead to feelings of boredom and anhedonia, but exploring within your surroundings can bring excitement.
  3. Setting challenges and sharing experiences can make mundane routines more engaging and meaningful.
104 implied HN points 26 Nov 21
  1. Lola Akinmade Åkerström is a talented storyteller in various mediums.
  2. She encourages authenticity and finding one's unique voice.
  3. Her journey from GIS work to novelist showcases the importance of evolving and staying true to oneself.
130 implied HN points 25 Jul 21
  1. Across history, different cultures have viewed maps and directions in unique ways.
  2. Our concept of North and South, like left and right, is a human invention.
  3. Maps are not objective truths but representations influenced by power, bias, and perspective.
169 implied HN points 11 Feb 21
  1. Curiosity is essential for learning, evolving, and creating in any field
  2. Find a balance between routine, ritual, and rut to keep everyday activities fresh
  3. Challenge yourself to stay curious and find excitement in the familiar, even in the smallest details
169 implied HN points 06 Feb 21
  1. Week 1 challenges are optional but fun - try them out!
  2. Explore your nearest mile every day for a month to see new things.
  3. Strike up a conversation with people who have the same name as you to learn about different lives.
104 implied HN points 20 Oct 21
  1. The post discusses a unique way to write a book.
  2. The author shares a fascinating article that has been on their mind.
  3. The content is for paid subscribers only.
130 implied HN points 06 Jun 21
  1. Find your nearest ruin and learn its name.
  2. Create a fun to-do list by turning it into an imaginary map.
  3. Practice looking upwards while walking to notice new things around you.
104 implied HN points 27 Sep 21
  1. Email can be overwhelming, but writing can be great for your mood and soul.
  2. Reading online is a challenge due to distractions, like the constant urge to check notifications.
  3. To improve focus while reading online, consider disconnecting from the internet or using a read-later app.
130 implied HN points 01 Apr 21
  1. Some people love the smell of coffee but hate the taste - and that's okay!
  2. Grinding your own coffee beans is key to a flavorful cup of coffee.
  3. Our sense of taste involves more than just our mouth - our nose plays a big role too!
117 implied HN points 12 Mar 21
  1. Chess Grandmaster Timur Gareyev plays multiple blindfolded games relying on memory and imagination.
  2. Physical exercise can enhance memory and learning by stimulating the brain through dopamine.
  3. Trying new things and being curious can improve memory and mental fitness, especially during stressful times like a pandemic.
104 implied HN points 10 Apr 21
  1. Satirical humor can effectively tackle complex ideas and capture attention.
  2. The news often focuses on extreme and negative events, creating a bias in our perception of the world.
  3. Embracing curiosity, asking questions, and avoiding the pressure to have firm opinions on everything can lead to a more balanced view of the world.
91 implied HN points 31 Jan 21
  1. Curiosity is a diverse process of discovery, not a rote learning experience.
  2. Pay attention to how curiosity is impacted by modern distractions and learn to focus.
  3. Challenge yourself to break out of routine behaviors and embrace curiosity in new ways.
78 implied HN points 02 Feb 21
  1. The author is exploring a strange fact about their late father, who was color-blind, yet worked as an aircraft technician in the RAF with complex wiring systems.
  2. Curiosity leads to interesting questions and discoveries, urging us to continue searching beyond simple answers.
  3. Asking silly questions can lead to more profound inquiries and a deeper understanding of a topic.
52 implied HN points 16 Aug 21
  1. Your brain can deceive you into not seeing things that are right in front of you.
  2. Cognitive biases like Negativity Bias and Confirmation Bias can have long-term negative impacts on your life.
  3. Being aware of cognitive biases and learning to think about your thinking can lead to a more curious and fulfilling life.
52 implied HN points 25 May 21
  1. Wikipedia has had instances of hoaxes and unreliable information in its articles.
  2. Editors have spotted and addressed some misleading content on Wikipedia.
  3. While there are hoaxes and edit wars, Wikipedia's fluidity and open editing process can lead to more diverse and up-to-date information compared to traditional sources.