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GM Shaders Mini Tuts β€’ 235 implied HN points β€’ 02 Dec 23
  1. Color blending in OkLab offers a more natural transition compared to regular RGB blending
  2. Understanding color spaces like sRGB and linear RGB is important for accurate color manipulation
  3. OkLab is a color space that approximates human perception of lightness and chroma, offering perceptually consistent color balancing
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Everything Is Amazing β€’ 706 implied HN points β€’ 21 Feb 23
  1. By focusing your eyes in a certain way, you can see impossible colors like red-green or blue-yellow.
  2. Seeing colors like Stygian Blue or Hyperbolic Orange challenges our understanding, as they seem darker or brighter than physically possible.
  3. Experimenting with how you view colors can lead to unique perceptual experiences, expanding the boundaries of human vision.
Everything Is Amazing β€’ 470 implied HN points β€’ 24 Mar 23
  1. The way chameleons change color can inspire future color-changing technology for surfaces and fabrics.
  2. Current advancements in color-changing materials like Fabrican and PhotoChromeleon show promise for future fashion and architectural applications.
  3. The deep meanings and social implications of colors in fashion and pigmentation mean that changing color technology may have complex impacts on society.
Maximum Effort, Minimum Reward β€’ 127 implied HN points β€’ 21 Oct 23
  1. The color cerulean comes from the Latin word for sky and should represent the color of the sky.
  2. Rayleigh scattering explains why the sky appears blue - shorter wavelengths scatter more.
  3. Calculating the color of Anne Hathaway's cerulean sweater using physics resulted in a color close to the original, proving Meryl Streep's character in 'The Devil Wears Prada' was correct.
To Asra β€’ 117 implied HN points β€’ 17 Apr 23
  1. Both Poe and Dickinson explored themes of death and loss in their poetry, embodying the Gothic genre.
  2. The poets paid particular attention to color in their poems, inspired by Burke's concept of the sublime evoked by certain colors.
  3. Colors like purple, black, and white were used by both poets to represent the sublime and mystery, reflecting the Gothic tradition in their work.
Critic at Large β€’ 1 HN point β€’ 31 Mar 24
  1. John Cage's composition '4'33"' challenges the audience to listen to hidden sounds and the contribution of the environment, sparking discussions about the perception of silence in music.
  2. Yves Klein's 'Monotone Silence Symphony' is a unique musical creation with one continuous sound and a segment of profound silence, evoking mystical and meditative experiences for performers and audiences.
  3. The use of color and sound in artistic compositions like those of John Cage and Yves Klein present thought-provoking approaches to exploring the dynamics of silence, music, and perception.
The 21st Century Proletarian β€’ 19 implied HN points β€’ 04 Nov 22
  1. Question the necessity of traditional industry standards like Pantone and Adobe in the digital age. Consider alternatives and challenge the status quo.
  2. Empower individuals to create their own color systems and liberate design from corporate influence. Encourage innovation and free access to color.
  3. Advocate for a design revolution by rejecting outdated, overpriced software, and working towards a more inclusive and progressive design community.
This Aged Well β€’ 0 implied HN points β€’ 11 Feb 24
  1. Different languages have various concepts of color which can affect our perception - some people cannot distinguish colors not due to colorblindness but because their language doesn't differentiate them.
  2. Language shapes how we think and perceive the world, impacting concepts like gender, nationality, and time.
  3. The way we name colors has had a significant impact on the human brain and cognition, highlighting the crayola-fication of the world.