Jérôme à Paris

Jérôme à Paris focuses on energy policy, specifically highlighting the intricacies of offshore wind energy, the mechanisms such as Contracts for Difference to support renewable energy, the economic and political challenges in the sector, and the impact of government decisions on energy pricing and market dynamics.

Energy Policy Renewable Energy Offshore Wind Energy Government Regulations Energy Economics Market Dynamics Energy Auctions

Top posts of the year

And their main takeaways
510 implied HN points 10 Oct 23
  1. Offshore wind was meant to be more expensive and a side show in the energy transition.
  2. Banks took construction risks initially, leading to offshore wind being almost as cheap as onshore wind in some regions.
  3. Offshore wind is necessary in some places due to geographical constraints and can provide diversification in renewable energy systems.
510 implied HN points 08 Aug 23
  1. Cost, price, and value of wind power are different concepts in the energy market, with costs being related to production, prices driven by market forces, and value including externalities like pollution and carbon emissions.
  2. Wind power has fixed costs, zero marginal cost, and can lower electricity prices for consumers, making it an attractive option compared to fossil fuel-based generation.
  3. Externalities like intermittency, carbon emissions, and security of supply contribute to the overall value proposition of wind power, impacting its role in the system and the pricing mechanisms in place.
486 implied HN points 14 Jul 23
  1. Germany's offshore wind tender results indicate a significant increase in costs, impacting electricity generation prices.
  2. The licence payments may double the total investment needed to build wind projects, leading to higher electricity costs.
  3. The outcome of the German tender might set a concerning precedent for future offshore wind auctions, potentially affecting market dynamics.
437 implied HN points 28 Jul 23
  1. Utilities lobbying for special favors can be seen as tactics to pressure governments for more favorable terms.
  2. Increased costs in the wind industry are real and partly a result of business decisions not to hedge against risks.
  3. Government regulations like the CfD are effective tools for encouraging low-cost capital investment in projects and should not be changed based on short-term pressures.
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145 implied HN points 23 Sep 23
  1. Northland Power signed major financings for offshore wind projects in Poland and Taiwan.
  2. Northland Power and their partners were able to find solutions to complete the projects despite challenges like inflation and geopolitical tensions.
  3. The industry needs more companies like NPI and Enterprize Energy that are focused on getting things done.
121 implied HN points 21 Sep 23
  1. Big offshore wind projects often require government support or changes in regulations to be built
  2. Companies involved in offshore wind projects may try to renegotiate after making commitments, leveraging their political weight
  3. Offshore wind projects have high visibility, symbolic value, and political weight, making them a common target for lobbying and political maneuvering
121 implied HN points 20 Nov 23
  1. Offshore wind energy in the U.S. faces challenges like financing in early stages, policy support, workforce development, transmission barriers, and scaling floating wind technologies.
  2. There is a need for structural changes and alignment across various sectors to support the rapid growth of offshore wind energy in the U.S.
  3. Despite challenges, the U.S. has favorable conditions for offshore wind energy expansion and overcoming obstacles requires collaboration between researchers, practitioners, policymakers, and regulators.
97 implied HN points 13 Dec 23
  1. Podcast on French offshore wind discussed in a podcast interview
  2. Jérôme à Paris provides insightful content on French offshore wind
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