Sheep Code

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And their main takeaways
26 implied HN points 20 Mar 23
  1. Consider using a full programming language and framework for IaC if you are a software engineer.
  2. For less skilled programmers, it's better to use IaC tools that utilize DSL/JSON/YAML.
  3. Take advantage of support plans from cloud providers when choosing IaC tools.
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26 implied HN points 06 Dec 22
  1. AI assisted programming boosts efficiency for developers using it.
  2. AI won't eliminate programmers but those embracing AI will have an edge.
  3. AI may not create complex apps solo but managed platforms for AI apps will rise.
3 HN points 07 Feb 23
  1. Microservices allow work to be divided among multiple teams easily.
  2. Microservices offer better fault tolerance and lower blast radius.
  3. Technical debt is a common issue across many microservices.
1 HN point 10 Aug 23
  1. Microservices can limit the productivity of high performing coders due to the complexity of dependencies across teams.
  2. In a microservices system, expertise shifts from individual coding skills to system design and team collaboration.
  3. For a 10x engineer in a microservices environment, success is more about harmonizing microservices and teams than individual coding prowess.