The hottest Bailout Substack posts right now

And their main takeaways
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Peter Navarro's Taking Back Trump's America β€’ 2299 implied HN points β€’ 14 Mar 23
  1. Rich hedge fund managers and venture capitalists are profiting while the Deplorables in MAGA Land suffer economically.
  2. Biden's regime is bailing out the US banking sector, burdening the Deplorables with trillions in debt and fueling inflation.
  3. Biden's policies, such as canceling pipelines and excessive government spending, are contributing to cost-push and demand-pull inflation, creating stagflationary forces.
Geopolitical Economy Report β€’ 518 implied HN points β€’ 19 Mar 23
  1. The US government printed $300 billion in a week to bail out Silicon Valley and banks, ensuring all uninsured deposits were paid, benefitting wealthy oligarchs and venture capital firms.
  2. Silicon Valley Bank, while portrayed as supporting start-ups, actually catered mostly to venture capitalists and had risky practices, ultimately requiring a massive bailout.
  3. The Federal Reserve's $300 billion bailout exposed a double standard: the rich get bailed out while the government resists increased regulation that could prevent future crises, showing a system of privilege for the elite.
Net Interest β€’ 496 implied HN points β€’ 10 Mar 23
  1. The demise of Silicon Valley Bank was caused by a collapse due to interest rate risk management and significant deposit outflows.
  2. Silicon Valley Bank's strategy of investing in securities was affected when rising interest rates led to significant unrealized losses, making the bank technically insolvent.
  3. The bank faced challenges in managing deposit outflows and was unable to satisfy demands due to a concentrated customer base and limited options like tapping into its securities portfolio.
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