The hottest Chip Design Substack posts right now

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Let Us Face the Future 235 implied HN points 14 Jul 23
  1. Optical computing uses light particles instead of electrons for computations, promising faster processing speeds and energy efficiency.
  2. Opto-electronic computing is close to commercialization, combining optical and electronic functions to leverage speed and bandwidth advantages.
  3. Optical computing faces challenges in adoption due to the need for changing components and manufacturing processes, but has potential for high-performance tasks like AI training.
Breaking Smart 83 implied HN points 25 Mar 23
  1. Silicon Valley is experiencing a generation shift in tech with the return of silicon fabrication to the region.
  2. The passing of Gordon Moore marks a significant moment in the tech industry and highlights the renewal underway.
  3. Actual silicon manufacturing hasn't been a common practice in Silicon Valley for decades, with most fabs moving to Asia.
Bits and Bytes 5 HN points 16 Jul 23
  1. Moore's Law has driven progress in computing for decades by doubling transistor counts every 2 years.
  2. The management of complexity in computing has been achieved through abstraction and refactoring across multiple disciplines.
  3. Future advances in computing will likely involve raising the level of abstraction and introducing new tools to handle increasing transistor counts.
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