The hottest Cloud Security Substack posts right now

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Infra Weekly Newsletter 4 implied HN points 11 Mar 24
  1. EchoVault is a distributed data store using the RAFT consensus protocol and Go, providing various data structures.
  2. Microsoft's AI Team's exposure of 38TB data raises concerns on cloud security, emphasizing the need for stronger preventive measures.
  3. In the tech world, learning about RISC-V's importance to Java and tools like bpftop for optimizing eBPF performance can enhance your knowledge and skills.
The Security Industry 15 implied HN points 02 Apr 23
  1. In 2022, the cybersecurity industry saw 332 acquisitions, with the largest deal being VMware acquired by Broadcom for $60 billion.
  2. Most of the acquisitions in 2022 were strategic, where one vendor acquired another, like Google buying Mandiant.
  3. Special Purpose Acquisition Corps (SPACs) were used for acquiring cybersecurity companies, with notable large deals taking advantage of lower valuations.
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CyberSecurityMew 0 implied HN points 20 Oct 23
  1. AsiaInfo Security acquired SafeDog to enhance their cloud security portfolio by integrating capabilities and technologies, creating a comprehensive cloud security system.
  2. AsiaInfo Security's acquisition will boost their position in the domestic cloud security sector, making them a leading network security company in this area.
  3. The collaboration between AsiaInfo Security and SafeDog is a strategic decision that aligns their cloud security products, technology, and market focus, promising innovative development and business expansion.