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escape the algorithm 119 implied HN points 08 Sep 22
  1. The author experimented with a unique approach to TikTok by training the algorithm to show videos they wouldn't like, creating an 'IckTok' account.
  2. Through this experiment, the author found that the tailored content resulted in a feed full of videos that repulsed them, revealing potential trends in TikTok's recommendation system.
  3. The experience raised questions about how our online behavior shapes the content we consume, highlighting concerns about self-perception and algorithmic judgment.
CJ The X 5 HN points 18 May 23
  1. Twitter is designed to capture your attention and sell it to advertisers, making your thoughts and experiences lucrative commodities.
  2. Your phone and social media are like appendages, designed to blur boundaries between real life and online worlds, shaping your thoughts and behaviors.
  3. To protect your consciousness, be intentional about engaging in real-life experiences and forming genuine connections rather than allowing social media platforms to manipulate your attention and self.
thezakelfassiexperiment 0 implied HN points 21 May 23
  1. The internet has democratized publishing, allowing anyone to share their thoughts online.
  2. Content on the internet has evolved to prioritize engagement, leading to the rise of clickbait, memes, and short-form content.
  3. While AI contributes to shallow content, it also holds the potential to promote higher-quality, more engaging content by creating interactive and deeper experiences.
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