The hottest COVID-19 updates Substack posts right now

And their main takeaways
Top Health & Wellness Topics
Joshua Gans' Newsletter 0 implied HN points 11 Aug 21
  1. Regular COVID-19 screening in schools with active isolation and testing of contacts can be more effective than closures.
  2. Some regions are implementing vaccine passports for non-essential activities and in-person classes to control the spread of COVID-19.
  3. Enjoy the summer to build mental strength for potential disruptions in the Fall due to COVID-19.
Are You Okay? 0 implied HN points 27 Dec 20
  1. Monoclonal antibodies can prevent severe COVID-19 complications and hospitalization for eligible patients.
  2. The variants of the coronavirus shouldn't make us panic, but we should continue following safety measures.
  3. Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna vaccines are safe and effective, but those with a history of severe vaccine allergies should take precautions.
Are You Okay? 0 implied HN points 14 Jun 20
  1. The writer broke their promise not to post on weekends because they enjoy engaging with their audience and have a compulsive nature.
  2. The writer recommends a fun Sunday ritual of sitting in a lawn chair in the front yard, which they find to be like a surprise party each time.
  3. The writer is interested in hearing from their audience about topics they would like to read about, with suggestions ranging from COVID-19 updates to parenting advice.
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