The hottest Data Manipulation Substack posts right now

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The Intrinsic Perspective 6981 implied HN points 07 Aug 23
  1. Scientists accused of misconduct may face damaging consequences like losing their careers and facing lawsuits.
  2. Intent matters when judging data fabrication, and public condemnation is not always the best approach.
  3. Challenges arise when individuals expose scientific fraud by prominent researchers and face potential legal repercussions.
Demodexio 132 implied HN points 01 Jan 24
  1. The collapse of the Soviet Union involved top leadership being blind to the country's financial facts.
  2. Soviet economic data was unreliable and widely fudged, making it difficult to understand the economy.
  3. The CIA had to rely on their own estimates since even those in the Kremlin did not have accurate numbers on the Soviet economy.


Life in the 21st Century 39 implied HN points 02 Feb 24
  1. AI is a powerful evolution of computing technology, tracing back 75 years to the invention of the transistor.
  2. AI's exponential growth in compute power enables manipulation of vast amounts of data and sophisticated algorithms.
  3. The internet plays a crucial role in AI, facilitating extensive networking and simultaneous computing.
Zero Day 140 HN points 08 Aug 23
  1. Radiation sensors at Chernobyl spiked after the Russian invasion, leading to suspicions of data manipulation.
  2. Patterns in the data from sensors indicated possible data manipulation rather than actual radiation spikes.
  3. The disappearance of the server and hard drives from the Ecocenter raised questions about who may have tampered with the sensor data.
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Rod’s Blog 39 implied HN points 21 Sep 23
  1. Misinformation attacks against AI involve providing incorrect information to trick AI systems and manipulate their behavior.
  2. Types of misinformation attacks include adversarial examples, data poisoning, model inversion, Trojan attacks, membership inference attacks, and model stealing.
  3. Mitigating misinformation attacks requires data validation, robust model architectures, defense mechanisms, privacy-preserving techniques, monitoring, security best practices, user education, and collaborative efforts.
The Software & Data Spectrum 39 implied HN points 30 Mar 23
  1. Using apply functions in R like lapply and sapply can help apply functions to elements in a vector or list.
  2. Math functions in R like abs(), sum(), mean(), and round() are useful for basic calculations and rounding numbers.
  3. Data manipulation in R using dplyr involves functions like filter(), arrange(), select(), and mutate() to filter, sort, and create new columns in datasets.