Marginally Compelling $5 / month

Marginally Compelling explores societal and cultural issues through critical analysis, personal reflection, and cartoons. It addresses themes of trust in institutions, the impact of partisanship, the importance of empathy and optimism, and the consequences of public health responses, while advocating for open debate, integrity, and institutional reform.

Societal and Cultural Analysis Trust in Institutions Partisanship and Public Health Empathy and Human Potential Optimism and Innovation Debate and Integrity Institutional Reform Critical Analysis of Media and Art Historical Lessons and Their Modern Implications

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And their main takeaways
20 implied HN points β€’ 01 Mar 24
  1. Accusations of data fabrication are increasingly coming from bloggers and independent researchers.
  2. Pressures in research environments, such as the need for publications and attention-grabbing results, can lead to temptation to manipulate data.
  3. Insight from individuals in academia sheds light on the reasons behind the rise of data fabrication stories and how such practices might develop.
12 implied HN points β€’ 06 Feb 24
  1. There have been recent accusations of data fabrication in elite research institutions at high levels.
  2. The fabrication methods exposed have been lazy and poorly done, revealing copied and pasted graphs and flipped results.
  3. The pressure to publish novel results quickly in academia might be contributing to the rise in data fabrication.
27 implied HN points β€’ 16 Dec 23
  1. The pandemic is over, and we are now in a stage of discussing the events that led to it.
  2. Institutions lost credibility during the pandemic, prompting people to seek out alternative sources for information.
  3. The author is working on a project to understand how institutions can regain trust.
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44 implied HN points β€’ 29 Aug 23
  1. The movie 'Sound of Freedom' tells a compelling story of child trafficking and was surprisingly successful despite initial doubts.
  2. The success of 'Sound of Freedom' was due to a unique production history involving crowd-funding and a strategic distribution approach.
  3. The backlash against 'Sound of Freedom' highlights a dangerous trend of viewing everything through a political lens, even important issues like child sex trafficking.
52 implied HN points β€’ 04 Apr 23
  1. Kindness can overpower cynicism in the face of nihilism and irony.
  2. Brandon Sanderson's approach to writing is based on empathy and finding wonder in people.
  3. There is a call for a return to 'New Romanticism' focusing on kindness, uniqueness, and human potential.
24 implied HN points β€’ 04 Mar 23
  1. Art, even if bad or offensive, can still provide value and contribute to learning.
  2. Efforts to hide, alter, or destroy art should be viewed with skepticism as they may threaten the integrity of artistic expression.
  3. The core issue in the movement against art is not overly sensitive individuals but rather bureaucratic influences seeking to alter art for profit or fear of controversy.
25 implied HN points β€’ 08 Feb 23
  1. The CDC's failures during the pandemic led to the rise of alternative trustworthy expertise in the marketplace.
  2. Individuals and institutions seek out expert advice in times of crisis and uncertainty.
  3. The CDC's shortcomings have highlighted the need for reform and restoration of trust in scientific institutions.