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Top Finance Topics
Market Sentiment β€’ 1002 implied HN points β€’ 26 Mar 23
  1. The post provides a curated list of the best tools and resources for investors
  2. Various categories are covered like data sources, portfolio analysis, newsletters/blogs, short-sellers, and institutional research
  3. Tools range from financial APIs, portfolio visualizers, to newsletters and even sites for social media tracking and book downloading
Barn Lab β€’ 19 implied HN points β€’ 16 Jun 23
  1. Gapminder is an independent Swedish foundation focused on fact-based global statistics.
  2. Their bubble chart software, Trendalyzer, was acquired by Google in 2007.
  3. Gapminder provides educators with free resources and offers a 'Worldview Upgrader' quiz to challenge misconceptions.
Digital Epidemiology β€’ 0 implied HN points β€’ 19 Apr 23
  1. Chapter 8 of the digital epidemiology book is now released, focusing on digital public health surveillance.
  2. The chapter covers a variety of data sources like search queries, social media, and wearables.
  3. One important aspect discussed is participatory surveillance, along with future challenges and opportunities in digital public health surveillance.
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Certo Modo β€’ 0 implied HN points β€’ 10 Apr 23
  1. Monitoring is a crucial aspect of incident management to detect issues quickly and efficiently.
  2. Top-level metrics like Service Level Indicators (SLIs) and operational metrics provide valuable insights into system health.
  3. Data for monitoring can come from time series data, logs, and traces, and visualization tools like Grafana help in analyzing and interpreting this data effectively.
Technology Made Simple β€’ 0 implied HN points β€’ 30 Dec 21
  1. 2021 saw many impressive breakthroughs in Machine Learning with the industry growing considerably.
  2. Microsoft is positioned well in the Machine Learning space due to its vertical integration across various stages of ML pipelines from hardware to data sources to model deployment.
  3. Microsoft showcased exceptional performance in ML research and implementation in 2021, particularly with innovative projects like synthetic data analysis and leading NLP models.