The hottest Online Privacy Substack posts right now

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Conspirador Norteño 60 implied HN points 10 Jan 25
  1. There are fake Facebook accounts that pretend to be Los Angeles Dodgers employees. They use AI-generated faces and photos of real people.
  2. These fake accounts haven't posted much content and mostly just have profile pictures. Many of them are friends with each other online.
  3. The purpose of these accounts is unclear, but they often check into random locations, which may not mean anything. It's a strange situation.
Robin’s Substack 848 HN points 26 May 24
  1. Cloudflare may escalate demands to switch to Enterprise plan aggressively, leading to potential downtime and loss of customer trust.
  2. Cloudflare's communication may be misleading or unclear, causing confusion about required actions and escalating the situation.
  3. Consider alternatives to Cloudflare and be prepared to swiftly move away if necessary, keeping backups of configurations.
Men Yell at Me 168 implied HN points 18 Nov 24
  1. Many people have been leaving Twitter/X since the recent election. They are trying out other platforms like BlueSky or Instagram.
  2. Some people are considering taking a break from social media altogether. Others might even think about disconnecting completely and going off the grid.
  3. The post invites readers to share their own plans for social media over the next four years, encouraging a conversation about online presence.
Conspirador Norteño 80 implied HN points 16 Nov 24
  1. Bluesky is getting a lot of new users, but some of those accounts are fake. These inauthentic accounts often use the same photos and bios, making them easy to spot.
  2. The bogus accounts post similar things, like photos of fitness centers and coffee, and use identical captions. This makes it clear they aren't real people.
  3. These fake accounts seem to follow popular liberal users from X and try to blend in. As more people join Bluesky, the influence of these inauthentic accounts could grow.
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Synystron Synlogica 2 HN points 01 Oct 23
  1. Be cautious about providing personal information on online job applications because you can't be sure how it will be used.
  2. Data shared on job applications can be stored and potentially used against you, so think twice before sharing.
  3. Giving false information on a job application can lead to consequences, even potentially being fired.
Embedded 1 HN point 07 Aug 23
  1. Digital footprints are becoming less significant due to the overwhelming amount of information online.
  2. Younger generations are generating an excessive amount of digital content, creating a cloud of information that is hard to navigate.
  3. People are becoming more open and authentic online, sharing personal details that were previously considered private.
Links I Would Gchat You If We Were Friends 0 implied HN points 04 Apr 16
  1. The relationship between humans and machines is evolving, as technology gains voices and personalities, raising concerns about transparency and choice.
  2. Internet memes can provide personal insight and catharsis, helping individuals navigate complex aspects of identity.
  3. Tracking the online activity of wealthy individuals' children can reveal hidden assets, a tactic some lawyers use for discovery.
Links I Would Gchat You If We Were Friends 0 implied HN points 25 Apr 16
  1. The Internet reaches even the most remote areas, changing people's perceptions of isolation.
  2. Facebook has evolved from a social network to a centralized hub for various online activities, keeping users engaged within its platform.
  3. Balancing online activities like social media with real-world actions is crucial, as seen in the story of a man who tried to help but ended up in prison.
Links I Would Gchat You If We Were Friends 0 implied HN points 05 May 16
  1. The best window into American political strife is your Facebook feed, showcasing clashes between different groups and the influence of online mobs.
  2. In the digital age, forgiveness becomes harder with our past actions staying present, raising questions about the 'right to be forgotten.'
  3. Discussion on the evolution and impact of memes, highlighting how they can spread, change, and sometimes even die out.