The hottest Online Platforms Substack posts right now

And their main takeaways
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The Intrinsic Perspective 18314 implied HN points 09 Jul 23
  1. The internet's idea of a centralized 'town square' is no longer feasible due to fundamental differences in people's worldviews.
  2. When individuals have too much control over speech without oversight, it often leads to corruption and abuse of power.
  3. The rise of new platforms like Threads and shifts in social media dynamics reflect a fragmentation of the 'town square' into multiple platforms with differing moderation policies and user bases.
Welcome to Garbagetown 2574 implied HN points 04 Jan 24
  1. Acknowledgement of issues with Substack's management of diverse opinions and policies on monetization
  2. The dilemma of deciding whether to stay on Substack despite hosting problematic content or to leave and potentially lose audience
  3. Concern about the online space being dominated by harmful voices if good actors continually leave platforms hosting problematic content
One Thing 1186 implied HN points 22 Jan 24
  1. Curation has a long history dating back to ancient Rome, starting as a way to manage aspects of city life and evolving into a responsibility of caretaking, on both a spiritual and physical level.
  2. The concept of curation has shifted over time, from being associated with museum stewards to being seen as a glamorous act online, where individuals are faced with curating their digital presence to navigate vast content.
  3. There's a call for more support for curation, emphasizing the importance of sustaining those who find and organize valuable content, moving beyond just paying creators for their work.
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Symposium 432 implied HN points 18 Jan 24
  1. The debate about Substack and 'Substack Nazis' raises questions about freedom of speech and tolerance.
  2. Moderation on platforms like Substack should aim to keep out trolls and explicit Nazis while allowing for diverse discussions.
  3. A 'reasonable man' approach to content moderation could help platforms like Substack navigate difficult decisions.
Read Max 2535 implied HN points 09 Jul 23
  1. Many content creators online are pressured to create content aimed at 12-year-olds due to the large number in the audience.
  2. Internet platforms lack adult mediation between young viewers and content creators, leading to a focus on adolescent content.
  3. Successful creators may reintroduce wholesome content into the online sphere, standing out in a sea of material targeting younger audiences.
New_ Public 412 implied HN points 07 Jan 24
  1. Lola Omolola started a Facebook group, Female IN (FIN), which became a vital lifeline for over two million women worldwide.
  2. Facebook, despite its issues, is still a significant tool for relationship-building and is low-cost, making it impactful for communities like FIN.
  3. Community stewardship in FIN relies on a strong team of volunteers from within the community, creating a supportive and self-policing environment.
SuperJoost Playlist 176 implied HN points 08 Feb 24
  1. Disney's $1.5 billion investment in gaming highlights the shift of entertainment firms towards the gaming industry.
  2. Microsoft's potential move to release Xbox games on PlayStation has stirred controversy among fans.
  3. Nintendo's decline in earnings, future of the Switch, and Roblox's strategy of user-generated content indicate interesting trends in the gaming industry.
L'Atelier Galita 196 implied HN points 20 Jan 24
  1. The Media is an alternative cooperative media outlet with a focus on independence, collaboration, and diversity.
  2. The Media faced challenges with funding due to a dysfunctional economic model and a shift towards advertising.
  3. Blast, a media outlet created by a former dissident of The Media, gained more popularity despite both facing similar issues.
In Bed With Social 334 implied HN points 24 Sep 23
  1. The mobile app landscape is shifting with a decrease in app downloads and counts on platforms like the App Store and Play Store.
  2. Apps like Breeze and Soon are introducing 'offline dating' experiences that prioritize face-to-face interactions over virtual connections.
  3. There is a rising trend towards digital consolidation and possibly a shift towards a 'super app' revolution to balance tangible experiences with digital connectivity.
Reboot 24 implied HN points 09 Mar 24
  1. Early online communities like Bulletin Board Systems (BBSs) fostered local connections and community building through text-based websites and local forums.
  2. Platforms like Yelp and Google Maps have shifted the focus from local community engagement to commercialized consumption, impacting the way we interact with and perceive our cities.
  3. Creating and sustaining place-based digital networks presents challenges, but initiatives like DIY internet radio stations showcase the potential for online communities to embrace local culture and connection.
Political Currents by Ross Barkan 71 implied HN points 12 Jan 24
  1. The Macroculture includes mainstream media, major record labels, and Hollywood, shows wealth but also vulnerability in the 21st century.
  2. The Microculture, like TikTok and YouTube, represents bottom-up content creation and massive growth in online platforms, but also lacks stability and can be a hustle culture.
  3. The Mesoculture is the missing middle ground between the Macroculture and Microculture, emphasizing physical communion, demand for alternative infrastructure, and a resurgence in literary and artistic events.
Karlstack 366 implied HN points 08 Apr 23
  1. ADL criticized and called for the deplatforming of several Substack writers for promoting conspiracy theories.
  2. There is suspicion that Substack was blocked by Twitter as retaliation for launching a new feature similar to Twitter.
  3. The incident involving the ADL, Substack, and Twitter is a developing story that has caused confusion and concern among content creators.
Banana Peel Pirouette 158 implied HN points 08 Jul 23
  1. Twitter users have a love-hate relationship with the platform but find it essential due to its influence in the media industry.
  2. Being on Twitter is crucial for individuals in various professions like journalism, literature, and academia to build and maintain their reputation.
  3. Twitter, despite being disliked by many, remains a powerful tool for individuals to gain visibility, recognition, and advance their careers in the competitive landscape of social media and knowledge work.
Malt Liquidity 6 implied HN points 21 Feb 24
  1. The author is apologizing for a lack of posts due to a busy work schedule, but mentions having several in progress.
  2. The author is considering different ways to engage readers and potentially move discussions to a more permanent format.
  3. There are plans to transition content to a native URL and potentially create a separate site for non-core content.
Technology Made Simple 99 implied HN points 27 Dec 22
  1. The newsletter is going on break till January 5th to recharge and will have a 'start here' section for newcomers.
  2. More AI/Machine Learning content will be integrated into the newsletter on specific days to cater to a general audience.
  3. The growth of the newsletter was mainly influenced by partnerships, Substack recommendations, and content on other platforms including LinkedIn and Medium.
Technology Made Simple 79 implied HN points 31 Jan 23
  1. Group theory in mathematics helps in understanding inheritance and polymorphism in Object-Oriented Programming.
  2. In OOP, inheritance allows classes to inherit properties, similar to how groups inherit properties from subgroups.
  3. Group theory provides a framework for designing efficient and modular systems by understanding class and object relationships.
Technology Made Simple 59 implied HN points 15 Apr 23
  1. Substack introduced a new feature called Notes resembling Twitter, aimed at enhancing writer engagement.
  2. Substack's focus on paid subscribers sets it apart from traditional social media platforms, indicating a unique strategy.
  3. The move by Substack to introduce Notes hints at a strengthening independent writer community and a shift in digital content consumption trends.
Links I Would Gchat You If We Were Friends 0 implied HN points 29 May 20
  1. Y2K and COVID-19 both show the importance of trusting experts and unseen work in crisis response.
  2. Historical events like Y2K can teach us valuable lessons about mitigating disasters and recognizing the reality of threats.
  3. Success in averting a catastrophe doesn't mean the threat wasn't real - it often reflects the effectiveness of prevention efforts.
Expand Mapping with Mike Morrow 0 implied HN points 23 Jan 24
  1. Two web apps were created for meal planning with a unique twist.
  2. The future of grocery shopping may involve personalized 'grocery playlists' for ordering ingredients.
  3. Traditional grocery stores might become obsolete, with a shift towards more personalized, online-based shopping experiences.
Links I Would Gchat You If We Were Friends 0 implied HN points 25 Aug 16
  1. Meet the new class of political media on Facebook, shaping news with outrage to millions of viewers.
  2. Mark Zuckerberg's vision goes beyond social networking, hinting at a future resembling 'Ready Player One'.
  3. The future may see immortality through VR technology, transforming the concept of death in unique ways.