The hottest Streaming platforms Substack posts right now

And their main takeaways
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The Honest Broker 24402 implied HN points 18 Jan 24
  1. Music journalism faces a crisis with major layoffs and company mergers.
  2. The decline in music journalism mirrors broader issues in the music industry, like layoffs in music companies and streaming platforms.
  3. The root cause of the crisis includes industry focus on old music, passive listening, and AI-generated tracks, leading to a lack of support for new artists.
Read, Watch, Binge 569 implied HN points 12 Jan 24
  1. Culture is becoming more fragmented, making it harder to find shared experiences with others.
  2. The abundance of entertainment options and personalized content leads to decision fatigue and hinders connection.
  3. Despite fragmented pop culture, bad news and politics have become universal topics for connection, although they can also contribute to polarization.
The GameDiscoverCo newsletter 176 implied HN points 07 Feb 24
  1. Research showed which countries had the most players of PC and console games in the last two weeks, with China, the U.S., and some European countries standing out.
  2. The most streamed games in January included Palworld, Escape From Tarkov, and new releases like Enshrouded and Tekken 8.
  3. Recent game platform and discovery news included updates on Nintendo Switch sales, Steam iconography changes, and Roblox's revenue growth in 2023.
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Dada Drummer Almanach 312 implied HN points 05 Dec 23
  1. There are different types of music beyond just pop that deserve recognition and support.
  2. Streaming technology does not always reward all types of music equally, leading to challenges for musicians of niche genres.
  3. Sharing and supporting lesser known music can help sustain diverse musical talents and audiences.
Textual Variations 265 implied HN points 06 Oct 23
  1. Original content removed from streaming platforms may not be permanently erased and can often be reissued on other formats.
  2. Different types of streaming originals exist, such as acquired originals, house originals, and co-originals, each with unique relationships with the streaming platform.
  3. The removal and reissuing of streaming originals can be driven by a combination of factors including cost savings, streaming performance, and better revenue opportunities on other platforms.
Vincos Newsletter 117 implied HN points 18 Feb 23
  1. In the world of technology, the impact of aging in a youthful online environment is an interesting topic to explore.
  2. Marketing experts continue to develop strategies despite economic uncertainties, emphasizing the need to adapt and innovate.
  3. Recent developments in social media platforms like Instagram and TikTok highlight the evolving landscape of features and functionalities to enhance user experiences.
The Entertainment Strategy Guy 0 implied HN points 15 Feb 23
  1. The post lists over 140 TV show flops, bombs, and misses for the second half of 2022.
  2. The analysis covers multiple streaming platforms, highlighting notable failures and disappointments.
  3. Shows from various networks like HBO Max, Disney+, Paramount+, Netflix, Hulu, and Apple TV+ are mentioned for their underperformance.
The Entertainment Strategy Guy 0 implied HN points 23 Jan 24
  1. Christmas time is an important period for streaming platforms to attract new viewers.
  2. Disney's 'Percy Jackson' is a big hit on Disney+, showing strong viewership numbers and audience interest.
  3. Peacock's 'Dr. Death' may not have as high viewership as 'Percy Jackson,' but it's still a win for the platform, especially with its NFL streaming success.