The hottest Theatre Substack posts right now

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The Bluestocking 1120 implied HN points 09 Feb 24
  1. The cost of theater tickets in different countries can impact the accessibility of culture and art, affecting the sustainability of artistic communities.
  2. AI is being used to generate fiction at a rapid pace, showcasing the pressure some authors feel to produce content quickly.
  3. Concerns about age and capabilities arise in politics, like with President Biden's age being a cause for debate.
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The Ruffian 178 implied HN points 24 Feb 24
  1. The play Macbeth explores themes of toxic masculinity, manhood, and violence, showcasing the complexities of showcasing strength and expressing emotions.
  2. Macbeth delves into the concept of legitimate violence versus illegitimate violence, examining the distinctions and societal perspectives on celebrating different forms of killings.
  3. Shakespeare uses Macbeth to analyze the transition from feudalism to a centralized state, questioning the monopoly of legitimate violence held by modern states.
Rory’s Always On Newsletter 963 implied HN points 12 Jun 23
  1. The author searched online for information about their brother's career and found a theatre program that shed light on his past.
  2. Their brother, Stephen, had a career in acting and was part of productions in the Old Vic theatre during the 1950s.
  3. Letters from their mother provided additional insight into their brother's life and the dynamics of their family during that time.
The Charlotte Ledger 0 implied HN points 11 Feb 24
  1. Dominique Morisseau's play 'Confederates' raises thought-provoking questions about racism and justice in American culture.
  2. The play explores the complexities of black characters navigating societal expectations and pressure.
  3. The performances by actors Nonye Obichere and Valerie Thames in 'Confederates' are highlighted for their depth and authenticity.