The hottest Traditional dishes Substack posts right now

And their main takeaways
Top Food & Drink Topics
let them eat cake 139 implied HN points 08 Nov 22
  1. The compilation cookbooks from 'Female' magazine in Singapore showcased diverse and sometimes unusual recipes, catering to a broad range of reader interests.
  2. The cookbooks from 'Female' magazine reflected a mix of 'continental cuisine' with western influences like cheese, alongside traditional Singaporean dishes like 'nasi ulam' and 'ayam buah keluak'.
  3. The culinary evolution captured in the cookbooks, from the fading traditional hawker foods to the merging of different culinary influences, reflected the changing tastes and lifestyles of the readers, highlighting the nostalgia and complexity of the culinary landscape.
let them eat cake 79 implied HN points 29 Sep 21
  1. Traditional dishes like kiam chye arh reflect a certain perspective on food that needs to be shared by both the cook and the diner.
  2. In the context of ethnic cuisines, the voices of the cooks are crucial for the true understanding and appreciation of the food.
  3. Certain dishes, like kiam chye arh, have an internal logic and history that can only be fully appreciated when both the cook and the diner understand and value its traditions.
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