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Londonist: Time Machine 139 implied HN points 06 Sep 23
  1. Victorians and Edwardians had creative and sometimes bizarre ideas about future dining, such as Victorian protein pills and cubic luncheons.
  2. Londonist's newsletter 'Time Machine' explores past visions of dining in the 21st century.
  3. Join Londonist's Time Machine newsletter to access more articles and delve into interesting topics like historical imaginations of food and dining.
let them eat cake 139 implied HN points 08 Nov 22
  1. The compilation cookbooks from 'Female' magazine in Singapore showcased diverse and sometimes unusual recipes, catering to a broad range of reader interests.
  2. The cookbooks from 'Female' magazine reflected a mix of 'continental cuisine' with western influences like cheese, alongside traditional Singaporean dishes like 'nasi ulam' and 'ayam buah keluak'.
  3. The culinary evolution captured in the cookbooks, from the fading traditional hawker foods to the merging of different culinary influences, reflected the changing tastes and lifestyles of the readers, highlighting the nostalgia and complexity of the culinary landscape.
let them eat cake 119 implied HN points 29 Oct 20
  1. The recipe for Pandan Chiffon Cake involves unique techniques like making fresh pandan extract and coconut milk for a refined flavor and texture.
  2. Fiona's Pandan Chiffon Cake recipe uses less flour and substitutes oil with coconut milk for richness, setting it apart from traditional chiffon cake recipes.
  3. The 'Brandy Chicken' recipe showcases a simple yet flavorful way of cooking with minimal ingredients, emphasizing the importance of quality ingredients like good brandy for marinades.
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