Boris Again

Boris Again explores statistical concepts, AI developments, practical advice on change and interviewing, and narratives on survival and technology's impact. It delves into theoretical distributions, Bayesian versus frequentist approaches, comparisons of AI models, personal development, challenging interviews, survival in harsh conditions, and advancements in AI and machine learning technologies.

Statistical Theories Artificial Intelligence Personal Development Interview Techniques Survival Narratives Technology Impact Machine Learning

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And their main takeaways
1 HN point 22 Apr 23
  1. Alternative AI models like Claude, Dolly V2, and Alpaca offer different features and prices compared to ChatGPT and GPT-4.
  2. Each model has its unique strengths and weaknesses, like speed, coherence, licensing restrictions, and price per token.
  3. While some models are self-hosted and free to access, others may require a request or have specific pricing structures.
1 HN point 10 Apr 23
  1. The Normal distribution formula is intimidating but actually represents real-life concepts like coin tosses and urns.
  2. The Normal distribution bell shape is determined by parameters like mean and standard deviation: mu and sigma.
  3. The Normal distribution is a limiting case of the Binomial distribution, simplifying probability calculations for large numbers of independent trials.
1 implied HN point 25 Mar 23
  1. The protagonist knew about the internet's end result in advance and prepared for it
  2. The protagonist is forced to serve 'IT' and survive in a bleak, controlled environment
  3. There is a mysterious and menacing entity 'IT' that is expanding and using the protagonist for unknown purposes
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0 implied HN points 12 Jun 23
  1. Harding and his group face challenges and losses in a harsh desert environment.
  2. The group finds themselves in a life-threatening situation against a larger group, but ultimately prevail.
  3. Harding adapts to the brutality of violence and survival, becoming numb to murder as a means of survival.
0 implied HN points 08 Apr 23
  1. ChatGPT uses models from Huggingface to do tasks it can't do alone.
  2. Large Language Models improve with more investment, but without specific changes.
  3. Segment Anything is a powerful interactive segmentation model by Meta.
0 implied HN points 09 Mar 24
  1. Bees use a complex non-verbal language to communicate precise information like the location of food.
  2. Bees can operate with complex concepts but do not understand their essence or think abstractly like humans.
  3. The comparison between LLMs and bees raises questions about whether LLMs operate with concepts but lack true understanding or deep knowledge.
0 implied HN points 27 Sep 23
  1. When interviewing people more competent than you, have them explain complex concepts to test communication and understanding.
  2. Include both open-ended and technical questions in the interview process to assess problem-solving and technical skills.
  3. Ensure candidates ask questions, articulate needs, and provide appropriate solutions to evaluate their potential in the position.
0 implied HN points 07 Mar 24
  1. LLM, or large language models, like a calculator, perform sequential operations and don't have memories or reflections like humans do
  2. This thought experiment questions at what point a being loses consciousness when subjected to memory wipes and repetitive questions, similar to how LLM operates
  3. This experiment raises the question of when a rational being transitions to a machine-like 'calculator' state