Sarah Kendzior’s Newsletter

Sarah Kendzior’s Newsletter offers critical insights into American politics, history, culture, and society through a blend of non-fiction storytelling, analysis, and personal reflection. The newsletter explores themes of authoritarianism, justice, corruption, and resilience, drawing connections between past events and present realities, with a focus on advocating for transparency, accountability, and moral courage.

American Politics History Culture and Society Justice and Corruption Music and Art Nature and Travel Media and Public Perception Authoritarianism and Resistance Personal Reflections

The hottest Substack posts of Sarah Kendzior’s Newsletter

And their main takeaways
6250 implied HN points 22 Mar 24
  1. The importance of holding onto simple dreams and moments of peace amidst political turmoil and corruption.
  2. The narrative discusses the dangers of political manipulation, corruption, and the impact on democracy, emphasizing the need for vigilance and critical thinking.
  3. Reflection on how societal issues such as genocides, pandemics, and political forces shape the daily lives of individuals and communities, urging readers to remain aware and engaged.
6949 implied HN points 15 Mar 24
  1. The author reflects on the unpredictability of storms and the feeling of imminent apocalypses in the midst of bad weather.
  2. There is a discussion about political figures and international affairs, focusing on the potential consequences and implications of their actions.
  3. The narrative transitions between personal reflections, societal observations, and historical analogies, all within the context of turbulent weather and its implications.
12940 implied HN points 06 Feb 24
  1. Tracy Chapman's song 'Fast Car' holds generational significance, connecting people across time through shared experiences and emotions.
  2. The song 'Fast Car' transcends eras, evolving from a narrative about Reagan-era struggles to a modern anthem of survival and reflection on American society.
  3. Music, like Tracy Chapman's 'Fast Car,' serves as a powerful medium for empathy, reflection, and social commentary, resonating across generations and stirring emotions.
3913 implied HN points 12 Mar 24
  1. The 2024 election is compared to a worn-out horror film franchise, with predictable plots and disappointment.
  2. The narrative draws parallels between the characters in 'Halloween' films and the political figures in the 2024 election.
  3. The election commentary conveys a sense of dread and disappointment in the state of politics and power dynamics.
6549 implied HN points 21 Feb 24
  1. The US is facing a debate about the impact of an aging leadership and how it affects the country's decline, highlighting the importance of focusing on corruption rather than age.
  2. The oldest and least popular Congress and presidential candidates reflect an issue of endemic corruption in the US, with senior citizens disproportionately in power for extended periods.
  3. The challenge lies in distinguishing between age-related concerns and corruption, recognizing the importance of holding officials accountable and seeking out truth despite the complexities of political dynamics.
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5691 implied HN points 13 Feb 24
  1. Whitney Houston and other 1980s artists shaped American culture, making it feel eternal to many, even as the country faced challenges.
  2. The night Whitney Houston died was significant for many around the world, showing the impact of her music transcending borders and cultures.
  3. The juxtaposition of Whitney Houston's death with the tragedies in Gaza on Superbowl Sunday highlights the importance of raising our voices against inhumane actions and standing up for values, patriotism, and humanity.
5411 implied HN points 31 Jan 24
  1. The past influences the present and future, revealing deep-seated issues in history.
  2. Media plays a crucial role in shaping public perception and preserving historical truths.
  3. Political dynamics, such as the interplay between leaders and the public, have significant impacts on society and history.
2755 implied HN points 27 Feb 24
  1. The newsletter provides a wide range of topics, from politics and history to art, music, and nature, emphasizing the interconnectedness of politics with everyday life.
  2. The author values accessibility to their work, keeping the newsletter free and open to all readers, with appreciation for paid subscribers who support the writing.
  3. The post lists all articles from the newsletter categorized by topic, offering readers the opportunity to explore a variety of content based on their interests.
5092 implied HN points 26 Jan 24
  1. Fog can obscure realities, making it challenging to navigate through the world and see clearly.
  2. The artist Andrew Wyeth's work reflected deep emotions and hidden stories, capturing the essence of loneliness and loss.
  3. Winter symbolizes difficult times, from Covid challenges to political uncertainty, creating a fog of bad information, regret, and grief.
5791 implied HN points 13 Jan 24
  1. Iowa is a mysterious place full of history and meaning beyond its surface appearance.
  2. The Iowa caucuses, once deemed important, now raise questions about accountability, diversity, and their relevance in today's political landscape.
  3. 2024 marks a significant time post-coup, post-covid, and post-truth, where election races serve as harbingers of political apocalypse and the erosion of democracy.
5192 implied HN points 11 Jan 24
  1. The Trail of Tears was a traumatic event that separated indigenous peoples from their homelands and culture, highlighting the resilience and undeserved hardships faced.
  2. Parallels can be drawn between the displacement of Native Americans and the ethnic cleansing of Palestinians, shedding light on historical injustices and ongoing patterns of atrocities.
  3. Embracing indigenous storytelling, like in the show "Reservation Dogs," is crucial in understanding and preserving cultural narratives, challenging historical distortions, and promoting empathy and awareness.
5831 implied HN points 02 Jan 24
  1. Boomland, a fireworks emporium in Missouri, serves as a symbol of American complexities and fears.
  2. The region, historically marked by the New Madrid earthquake zone, faces a looming threat of catastrophic seismic activity.
  3. The author reflects on the state of America, the government's handling of crises, and the need for individuals to define moral principles amidst chaos.
5172 implied HN points 06 Jan 24
  1. Christ of the Ozarks is the tallest Jesus statue in the USA, standing at 67 feet tall in Arkansas.
  2. Eureka Springs, Arkansas, where Christ of the Ozarks is located, has a unique blend of evangelical and LGBTQ communities coexisting for decades.
  3. The partnership between the Great Passion Play in Eureka Springs and Israeli backers has brought controversial elements like Israeli bomb shelters to the religious complex, sparking discussions on politics, hate speech, and ideologies.
6969 implied HN points 15 Dec 23
  1. The author reflects on the past, present, and uncertain future of America through road trips and personal experiences.
  2. The author warns about the potential for a mafia state autocracy in 2024, emphasizing the importance of recognizing and resisting such a threat.
  3. The author discusses the reception of their books, highlighting how insights once seen as fringe or pessimistic can later be accepted as reality.
6909 implied HN points 10 Dec 23
  1. Twitter serves as an important archive of history, essential for transparency and fighting against autocracy.
  2. Learning new languages can be a way to escape from the negative aspects of social media and can provide a new perspective on the world.
  3. Poetry and language have the power to convey deep political sentiments and reveal the true heart of a nation.
7148 implied HN points 16 Nov 23
  1. Merrick Garland is portrayed as a protector of justice, but in reality, he serves corrupt interests and blocks investigations rather than pursuing transparency and accountability.
  2. Jamie Gorelick, a lifelong friend and mentor to Garland, has a history of aiding criminals and enabling corruption, including representing high-profile figures like Jared Kushner and engaging in cover-ups.
  3. The DOJ, under Garland and Gorelick's influence, prioritizes protecting the institution over defending the country, allowing powerful individuals like Trump to escape accountability and maintain their influence.
6050 implied HN points 24 Nov 23
  1. The newsletter is supported by paying subscribers who help keep the content accessible to all, without a paywall, allowing everyone to enjoy the material equally.
  2. Writing and reading serve as powerful tools during tough times, providing companionship, creativity, and a way to connect with oneself and others.
  3. The importance of free access to art and culture, as demonstrated by the St. Louis Art Museum's commitment to being free for all, supported by voluntary contributions and public funding.
6290 implied HN points 11 Nov 23
  1. The story of Don Robinson, who rejected society in favor of solitude and freedom in nature, reminds us of the value of being independent and true to oneself.
  2. In a world filled with power struggles and inequality, it's important to recognize the manipulation and false promises of those in control and not to be complicit in their harmful agendas.
  3. Finding solace in nature, being able to embrace solitude, and reflecting on the past while looking towards the future can be sources of comfort and strength in challenging times.
4932 implied HN points 01 Dec 23
  1. The Mourning Moon serves as a warning of impending dark days and the need to grieve losses and prepare for challenges.
  2. Cahokia, once a thriving city in ancient times along the Mississippi River, is now abandoned, with only earth mounds remaining as haunting reminders of its past.
  3. The heartbreaking reality of modern war and the power of grief, especially in the face of atrocities like the mass killing of children in Gaza, are difficult truths that are hard to reconcile but important to acknowledge.
5611 implied HN points 05 Nov 23
  1. The Biden administration's lack of accountability for past crimes, continuation of harmful policies, and complicity in various problematic actions is concerning.
  2. Both parties in the U.S. exhibit a form of elite criminal impunity, impacting policies and maintaining grave injustices.
  3. The importance of recognizing and standing against oppression, even in situations where voting or elections may not immediately address the underlying issues.
4333 implied HN points 21 Nov 23
  1. Exploring historical ruins can reveal hard truths about the past, such as the impact of colonialism and environmental degradation.
  2. Visiting sites like Fort Belle Fontaine can provoke reflection on the decay of the American Dream and the realities of history.
  3. Nature reclaims abandoned spaces with thorns and vines, serving as a reminder of the destruction caused by human actions.
4832 implied HN points 29 Oct 23
  1. Social media platforms like Twitter can be a place to bear witness to global events and support others in times of crisis.
  2. Governments and politicians can perpetuate violence and conflict, often driven by fanaticism, money, or darker goals.
  3. People around the world are standing up against atrocities, demonstrating bravery and a sense of conscience amidst challenging times.
5231 implied HN points 12 Oct 23
  1. Visiting Mooner's Hollow in Missouri offers a mix of historical exploration and natural beauty.
  2. The complexity of the situation in Gaza highlights the importance of distinguishing between people and governments.
  3. The symbolism of frost flowers in Mooner's Hollow serves as a reminder of the delicate yet powerful forces at play in life.
4333 implied HN points 23 Oct 23
  1. The junction of F and U is both a physical location in small-town America and a spiritual place in our hearts, symbolizing moments of deep grief and reflection.
  2. Political decisions, like U.S. aid to Israel, can have morally complicated consequences and raise questions of justice, with innocent civilians often caught in the middle of conflicts.
  3. History and personal experiences shape perceptions of war and loss, highlighting the interconnectedness of past events, current policies, and individual emotions.
3634 implied HN points 25 Oct 23
  1. The long arc of history does not naturally bend towards justice; it requires real people to shape it for the better.
  2. Authoritarianism can thrive when people underestimate its possibility and the presence of corruption, violence, and systemic problems.
  3. Staying vigilant, holding onto moral boundaries, and resisting the normalization of atrocities are crucial to preventing the erosion of values in the face of societal challenges.
3854 implied HN points 16 Oct 23
  1. The article explores the horrifying connections between historical events like 9/11 and the more recent 10/7, highlighting themes like corrupt governments, civilian casualties, censorship, and calls for war.
  2. It delves into the notion of collective obligation over collective guilt, emphasizing the importance of truth, morality, and never disregarding another's humanity.
  3. The piece raises concerns about empathy being rationed and retracted based on biases in the context of conflict, urging for a more compassionate and inclusive approach towards understanding global issues.
3554 implied HN points 11 Oct 23
  1. The author is starting a Substack newsletter to share ideas, announcements, and essays with subscribers.
  2. The author is planning to publish articles on a frequent basis and appreciates financial support from subscribers.
  3. The author spent the last year writing a book called 'THE LAST AMERICAN ROAD TRIP', which will be published in early 2025. It covers travel destinations with a mix of travelogue, history, and memoir.
519 implied HN points 05 Nov 22
  1. Sarah Kendzior is launching a newsletter about non-fiction horror stories.
  2. The newsletter will be featured on
  3. Readers can subscribe to receive updates about the upcoming launch.
2 HN points 21 Jan 24
  1. The current American political landscape is likened to a soap opera, with slow-moving plots and recurring characters, reflecting a stagnant and repetitive nature of governance.
  2. The Department of Justice and the media are compared to soap operas, exploiting legal cases involving Trump as entertainment while avoiding true accountability and manipulation of public perception.
  3. Despite the chaos and corruption in American politics, individuals are advised to question propaganda, demand justice, and avoid stereotyping others, highlighting the importance of critical thinking and empathy.