The hottest Solitude Substack posts right now

And their main takeaways
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Sarah Kendzior’s Newsletter β€’ 6290 implied HN points β€’ 11 Nov 23
  1. The story of Don Robinson, who rejected society in favor of solitude and freedom in nature, reminds us of the value of being independent and true to oneself.
  2. In a world filled with power struggles and inequality, it's important to recognize the manipulation and false promises of those in control and not to be complicit in their harmful agendas.
  3. Finding solace in nature, being able to embrace solitude, and reflecting on the past while looking towards the future can be sources of comfort and strength in challenging times.
Escaping Flatland β€’ 2889 implied HN points β€’ 26 Jul 23
  1. Great ideas are fragile and can be easily killed by external influences like coworking spaces or groupthink.
  2. Solitude is crucial for creativity, allowing for the development of unique perspectives and groundbreaking work.
  3. Creative individuals are willing to linger in confusion, surfacing new questions rather than rushing to answers.
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Eclecticism: Reflections on literature, writing and life β€’ 20 implied HN points β€’ 05 Aug 23
  1. Solitude and isolation may not always be a personal choice, but can be externally imposed in various situations.
  2. Emptiness and isolation can be seen as different concepts, with emptiness having its own beauty and significance.
  3. Solitude and isolation may exist on a continuum, where true solitude can be found in wild places without human obligation.