The Art of Enchantment, with Dr Sharon Blackie

The Art of Enchantment, led by Dr. Sharon Blackie, explores the interconnection of myth, fairy tales, and depth psychology to foster personal growth and ecological consciousness. It addresses personal milestones like midlife, emphasizes woman-centric narratives, and advocates for re-enchantment with nature and community through storytelling and psychological insights.

Depth Psychology Mythology and Folklore Personal Growth and Self-Discovery Women's Stories and Archetypes Nature Connection and Eco-Consciousness Creative Writing and Storytelling Psychological Interpretation of Fairy Tales Cultural and Environmental Sustainability Mental Health and Wellbeing Community and Belonging

The hottest Substack posts of The Art of Enchantment, with Dr Sharon Blackie

And their main takeaways
1078 implied HN points 05 Oct 23
  1. The post is about video responses to 'ask me anything' questions. Dr. Sharon Blackie shared her thoughts on questions from Catherine, Lisa, and Vanessa.
  2. The post is only accessible to paid subscribers. This suggests that Dr. Sharon Blackie's in-depth responses and content are exclusive to those who pay for her subscription.
  3. The post encourages further engagement as all comments and ideas are welcomed. This implies a sense of community and dialogue within the subscriber base.
1737 implied HN points 01 Jul 23
  1. The author reflects on finding enchantment and solace in the summer despite not being a summer person, attributing it to their new stone house and connection to nature.
  2. They share their experience of making improvements to their new house during the summer months and express gratitude for living the life they've always dreamed of.
  3. The author announces new projects, such as a self-study version of their online course and monthly membership program, as well as upcoming lecture series and gatherings focused on mythic stories.
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2116 implied HN points 05 Apr 23
  1. Moving into a new house can be disruptive but redecorating and making it your own can be joyful and rewarding.
  2. Returning to a place where you feel a sense of belonging can bring a profound feeling of being at home, even after many years.
  3. Exploring familiar landscapes and being close to family can bring a sense of ancestral connection and understanding of oneself.
1178 implied HN points 27 Aug 23
  1. The post is about crafting from the land and its stories, emphasizing a connection to nature and folklore.
  2. The author discusses their practice of working with fabric, ink, and found objects, highlighting a handcrafted and creative approach.
  3. The content is available for paid subscribers only, with a mention to subscribe for access to more posts.
918 implied HN points 30 Sep 23
  1. Dr. Sharon Blackie is hosting an 'ask me anything' session where you can ask questions about writing, life, or anything else.
  2. The post is for paid subscribers only, requiring a subscription for full access.
  3. To engage in the 'ask me anything' session and view the full content, interested individuals can subscribe or sign in if they are already paid subscribers.
55 HN points 30 Mar 24
  1. There are limited studies on the masculine in fairy tales, primarily due to past perceptions of masculine experience as the norm.
  2. Key archetypes of the mature masculine include the Alchemist, Shapeshifter, Magician, Smith, Warrior, King, Wild Man, Trickster, Grandfather, and Wise Old Man.
  3. Many traditional tales depict few positive older male characters compared to female ones, with some notable exceptions in Greek mythology and Judeo-Christian traditions.
658 implied HN points 14 Oct 23
  1. The video shared is about the work and legacy of Daniel Deardorff, a multifaceted artist and mythologist with a rich history of creative contributions.
  2. Daniel Deardorff's focus on embracing Otherness and his exploration of meaningful wounds in myths make his work stand out, offering a unique perspective on culture and community.
  3. The Mythsinger Legacy Project continues to carry forth Daniel Deardorff's work through various creative endeavors, preserving his unpublished works and vision.
1597 implied HN points 13 May 23
  1. Folk tales from around the world often share similarities.
  2. There is curiosity around the reasons behind the similarities in folk tales.
  3. Exploring the purposes and significance of folk tales can provide valuable insights.
1837 implied HN points 04 Mar 23
  1. Moving homes can trigger deep-rooted anxieties, stemming from disrupting the safe sanctuary one has spent years creating.
  2. The concept of 'home' is a complex mix of physical shelter, emotional security, and a place where one can always return to, and the fear of losing it can be deeply ingrained from childhood.
  3. Transitioning between homes can bring about self-reflection, exploration of uncertainties, and a mix of emotions, but it also offers opportunities for growth and new beginnings.
938 implied HN points 20 Aug 23
  1. The post discusses how Death is represented in European myth and folklore, highlighting archetypal forms and stories related to this concept.
  2. It encourages readers to reflect on their own relationship with death and prompts them to think deeper about this topic.
  3. The content is available for paid subscribers only, showing that the exploration of Death in the European psyche is offered as exclusive content.
2795 implied HN points 23 Oct 22
  1. Home is a personal and evolving concept influenced by past experiences and individual needs.
  2. The author reflects on the significance of different houses lived in throughout life and the impact they had on her sense of identity and belonging.
  3. Finding a true sense of home involves creating a space that allows for personal growth and self-discovery, separate from past traumas and relationships.
1377 implied HN points 05 May 23
  1. The newsletter discusses the joy of connecting with nature through observing red squirrels and highlights the importance of finding lightness in a heavy world.
  2. The newsletter shares information about a new oracle deck called 'The Rooted Woman Oracle' available for pre-order, which aims to deepen the connection with nature and spiritual nourishment.
  3. The newsletter promotes an online course and upcoming events focused on exploring fairy tales, mythology, and nature, emphasizing the transformative power of storytelling and connecting with the environment.
1178 implied HN points 18 Jun 23
  1. The author shares three audio/video recordings of poems read by actors that they find are perfectly matched to the poems.
  2. The author observes a trend in their preference for male poets in contrast to their interest in reading novels by women, sparking self-reflection.
  3. The author highlights 'The Love Song of Alfred J. Prufrock' by T.S. Eliot, 'The Song of Wandering Aengus' by W.B. Yeats, and 'At Roane Head' by Robin Robertson as must-listen poems with actor readings.
1956 implied HN points 01 Jan 23
  1. 2022 was a difficult year for the author, but through hardships, she found a deeper connection to her calling and purpose.
  2. Being aligned with one's unique gift can bring a sense of purpose and detachment from outcomes, allowing focus on meaningful work.
  3. Community and collaboration are essential in working towards a common goal, even for solitary pursuits like writing.
1238 implied HN points 28 May 23
  1. Fairy tales are meant to change over time to reflect the lives and preoccupations of people.
  2. Reimagining fairy tales can involve giving voice to the characters to explore their relevance in the modern world.
  3. Working with fairy tales can be a creative and insightful way to engage with storytelling and personal reflection.
1657 implied HN points 04 Feb 23
  1. Life's journeys sometimes lead us to unexpected change and new beginnings, even when we think we've settled.
  2. As seasons change, it's a reminder to embrace emergence, awakenings, and setting intentions.
  3. Connection to nature and ancestral roots can bring a sense of belonging and inspiration.
1956 implied HN points 24 Dec 22
  1. Dr. Sharon Blackie expresses gratitude towards her subscribers for engaging with her writing and inspiring her.
  2. She values quiet, reflective time during the holiday season for regrouping and preparing for upcoming changes.
  3. The post also shares updates on Dr. Blackie's family, pets, and upcoming plans, emphasizing the cyclical nature of life.
958 implied HN points 13 Jun 23
  1. Enchantment, belonging, and rivers are essential themes in the author's work, rooted in her connection to the land and nature.
  2. The magic of the everyday is highlighted, showing how ordinary moments can hold deep significance and wonder.
  3. The post is for paid subscribers, emphasizing the value placed on the content shared and supporting the author's work.
1078 implied HN points 22 Apr 23
  1. The author discusses the experience of returning to the North and being welcomed warmly.
  2. The post reflects on the unique things missed when away, like pies and caustic humor.
  3. This content is for paid subscribers.
239 implied HN points 06 Dec 23
  1. The post discusses an exclusive letter for members of The Hearth with updates on an upcoming online retreat.
  2. The next online retreat mentioned in the post is scheduled for Imbolc on Saturday, February 3, at 16.00 UK time.
  3. The post is specifically for subscribers in The Hearth plan and encourages upgrades for those interested.
858 implied HN points 13 Apr 23
  1. The post discusses English myths and folk traditions, focusing on the traditions in countries that still speak Celtic languages.
  2. The content is intended for paid subscribers, demonstrating a specific audience and value.
  3. Dr. Sharon Blackie is a Celtic Studies scholar with a background in myth and storytelling.
998 implied HN points 28 Jan 23
  1. The article discusses the concept of kinship and otherness within myth and folklore, exploring the art of shapeshifting.
  2. The post is part of a series and requires a paid subscription to access, offering exclusive content for subscribers.
  3. The author references a book titled 'Kinship: Belonging in a World of Relations' in this article.
1697 implied HN points 27 Aug 22
  1. The book 'Hagitude: Reimagining the Second Half of Life' by Dr. Sharon Blackie explores the significance of storytelling in shaping our perceptions of aging and elderhood.
  2. The power of myths and stories lies in their ability to help us understand life, dream of a better existence, and inspire personal growth and change.
  3. Dr. Sharon Blackie emphasizes the importance of respecting and valuing older women, highlighting their wisdom, roles, and contributions to community.
858 implied HN points 27 Feb 23
  1. The post discusses the concepts of doom loops and flywheels in the context of cultural mythology.
  2. Motivating ourselves to address current challenges requires rethinking our perspectives and approaches.
  3. The post appears to be available only for paid subscribers, emphasizing its value.
1178 implied HN points 03 Dec 22
  1. Winter brings the gift of the night sky, which holds importance and rituals for the author, celebrating the return of darkness and stars.
  2. The author values ceremonies that emerge naturally and mark the rising and setting of the sun during the winter season.
  3. The author shares research on stars possibly being 'minded' entities, emphasizing the importance of celebrating the sky and the cosmos around us.
1477 implied HN points 18 Sep 22
  1. To live in this world, you must love what is mortal and hold it close to you as your own life depends on it, then be ready to let it go when the time comes.
  2. Grief, starlight, and living from the heart are key themes in this post.
  3. The importance of embracing impermanence and being able to release things when the time comes is highlighted.
678 implied HN points 30 Apr 23
  1. In English myths and folk traditions, there is a story about Albinia, the woman who 'founded' Britain and gave it her name.
  2. The story of Albinia is often not widely known, even among lovers of myth and history.
  3. Exploring myths and folk traditions can reveal lesser-known stories and perspectives of historical figures.
339 implied HN points 05 Sep 23
  1. The post discusses scheduling a Samhain retreat for members of The Hearth.
  2. It mentions organizing four retreats around the four Celtic festivals, like Samhain.
  3. The post is tailored for subscribers in The Hearth plan, urging upgrades or sign-ins for access.
1437 implied HN points 05 Sep 22
  1. The author explores their experience of not crying when their mother died, expecting a torrent of grief.
  2. The post is exclusive for paid subscribers, enticing readers to subscribe for full access.
  3. The author reflects on personal emotions and experiences related to loss and grieving.
838 implied HN points 10 Jan 23
  1. The journey we must make today involves moving beyond the limitations of our own minds.
  2. The importance of breaking out of confined mental spaces and expanding perspectives.
  3. Emphasizing the need to step away from being trapped in our thoughts and beliefs.
1158 implied HN points 10 Oct 22
  1. The author shares a personal experience of feeling a shift towards seeking clarity and freedom from corporate constraints.
  2. A chance encounter with a fortune-teller and drawing a card led to a moment of realization and a decision to break free from a situation that felt suffocating.
  3. The story highlights the importance of recognizing moments when it's time to let go, seek new beginnings, and embrace change.
778 implied HN points 17 Jan 23
  1. The post discusses 're-storying our places' as an important topic that the author frequently speaks about.
  2. The author mentions covering this concept in their book 'The Enchanted Life.'
  3. The content of the post seems to be exclusive for paid subscribers.