The hottest Book promotion Substack posts right now

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Design Mom 1297 implied HN points 18 Oct 23
  1. The book 'Ejaculate Responsibly' had significant achievements such as making the New York Times bestseller list and receiving international editions.
  2. Despite positive reviews and coverage, the book has sold only 55,000 copies, which is seen as a disappointment in reaching its potential impact.
  3. To expand the book's reach, there is a need for a new and effective marketing strategy to increase sales, along with the support of people leaving positive reviews on platforms like Amazon.
The Leftovers 479 implied HN points 19 Dec 23
  1. Negativity in literary culture is often repressed, leading to toxic behaviors like sabotaging peers on platforms like Goodreads.
  2. Year-end book lists can sometimes involve favoritism and promotion rather than honest critique, affecting the authenticity of recommendations.
  3. Encouraging fair and open criticism among writers and reviewers is essential for a healthy literary discourse and reducing toxic behaviors.
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BAD AT KEEPING SECRETS 648 implied HN points 31 Aug 23
  1. New York Times columnists Julia Rothman and Shaina Feinberg interview people to share honest stories about topics not commonly discussed.
  2. Their book 'How We Got By' features unique yet universal stories about addiction, career changes, relationships, and more.
  3. The work by Julia and Shaina aims to provide perspective, comfort, and a sense of connection by addressing taboo topics openly.
Shades of Greaves 137 implied HN points 02 Nov 23
  1. Correlation does not equal causation, a lesson learned through analyzing book sales data.
  2. Promotional efforts like interviews, podcasts, and social media posts contribute to book sales, showcasing the importance of multiple strategies.
  3. Self-publishing involves hard work and dedication to drive sales; creative approaches are needed to boost book sales further.
Shades of Greaves 157 implied HN points 16 Oct 23
  1. The author has published a book called 'Spoilers: Essays That Might Ruin Your Favorite Hollywood Movies', which has had an exciting reception.
  2. The author is actively promoting the book through events like book launches, signings, and readings.
  3. The author plans to share insights and data on the self-publishing process in a series called 'The Numbers', aiming to help other self-published authors.
Sundman figures it out! 117 implied HN points 25 Jul 23
  1. The author shared a story about being confronted by a knife-wielding assailant and how he managed to defend himself.
  2. The author reflected on experiences during the dot-com era and how a particular website played a role in spreading rumors about failing companies.
  3. Personal anecdotes about travels, encounters, weightlifting, and book promotions were seamlessly woven into the storytelling.
The False Consensus Effect 19 implied HN points 22 Jul 21
  1. The author discusses the struggle of being a creative professional and the challenges of making a living from art and writing, emphasizing the financial difficulties faced in pursuing their passion.
  2. Reflections on societal dynamics, capitalism, and the impacts of wealthy individuals like Jeff Bezos on economic structures are contemplated in a critical and satirical manner.
  3. Personal anecdotes about anniversaries, life on a country property, and the complexities of balancing artistic pursuits with financial realities are shared, highlighting themes of love, debt, and creative fulfillment.
Quick Jabs: Stories that Slap 0 implied HN points 31 Jan 24
  1. The author is excited about their new book 'A Project Gone Bad' topping the charts before its official launch.
  2. The book features a thrilling tale of genetically engineered crocodiles causing chaos during a hurricane.
  3. The author seeks support to boost the book's sales and rankings before its release, and also mentions other upcoming titles.