The hottest Conversational AI Substack posts right now

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UX Psychology 158 implied HN points 25 Aug 23
  1. Conversational AI tools like ChatGPT are transforming human-computer interaction by enabling natural language conversations on various topics.
  2. Studies show that features enhancing productivity and enjoyment, while ensuring accuracy, play a crucial role in shaping user experiences with ChatGPT.
  3. While ChatGPT offers benefits like enhanced productivity and user satisfaction compared to traditional methods, there are also notable risks like misinformation that need to be addressed through thoughtful design and transparency.
Maneesh’s Substack 217 HN points 30 Mar 23
  1. Generative AI models can produce high-quality content but are terrible interfaces due to unpredictable output based on input controls.
  2. Well-designed interfaces allow users to predict how input controls affect outputs, reducing the need for trial-and-error.
  3. Humans, despite being imperfect interfaces, are still better collaborators than AI due to shared semantics and repair mechanisms in conversations.
The Product Channel By Sid Saladi 13 implied HN points 28 Jan 24
  1. AI product management has various roles like AI Infrastructure PMs, Ranking PMs, Generative AI PMs, Conversational AI PMs, Computer Vision PMs, AI Security PMs, and AI Analytics PMs.
  2. Each type of AI PM role has specific skills and responsibilities like deep knowledge of full AI infrastructure tech stacks for AI Infrastructure PMs, tuning relevance algorithms for Ranking PMs, and incorporating human-in-the-loop feedback loops for Generative AI PMs.
  3. To excel in AI Product Management, it's crucial to understand the landscape, develop relevant skills, and embrace a mindset of continuous learning and adaptation to innovate effectively.
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