The hottest Cultural transmission Substack posts right now

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The Infinitesimal 719 implied HN points 09 Aug 24
  1. Twin heritability models can produce different estimates of how much traits are influenced by genetics versus environment. This can lead to confusion about what is truly inherited and what is shaped by upbringing.
  2. Cultural factors along with genetic factors play a significant role in shaping traits. Sometimes, what seems genetic can actually be environmental influences like parenting styles, which complicate our understanding of inheritance.
  3. Recent studies suggest that assumptions made in traditional twin studies might not be entirely accurate. By including more family relationships and considering cultural impacts, researchers can get a clearer picture of what really contributes to traits.
America in Crisis 39 implied HN points 09 May 23
  1. Cultural evolution is faster than biological evolution and is driven by innovation, competition, and replication.
  2. Cultural transmission involves biases like direct bias, indirect bias, and prestige bias that influence the spread of cultural information.
  3. Capitalism emerged from a cultural evolution driven by the accumulation of capital, prestige, and cultural transmission, leading to economic growth and societal changes.
Internal exile 28 implied HN points 12 Jan 24
  1. Jacques Derrida's lecture 'Structure, Sign, and Play' launched post-structuralism in 1966.
  2. Language models like LLMs create structured language instantly, blurring the origins and history.
  3. LLMs operate without embodied knowledge, relying on statistical relationships of tokens rather than real-world experience.
The Digital Anthropologist 19 implied HN points 02 Feb 23
  1. Belief systems are evolving in the digital age due to the internet and social media, allowing both new belief systems to emerge and traditional systems to expand their reach.
  2. Religious systems may decline in the digital age, leading to more splintering of mainstream religions and a rise in cults, impacting societal growth and development.
  3. The internet enables individuals to explore and adopt different belief systems, potentially leading to the rise of new beliefs and the resurgence of non-religious spiritual movements.
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The Digital Anthropologist 19 implied HN points 12 Jan 23
  1. Culture is fundamental to human survival, enabling us to adapt and thrive in different environments over centuries.
  2. Increased global connectivity through the internet and digital technologies is leading to significant cultural exchanges and interactions.
  3. Cultural clashes and conflicts in today's digital spaces highlight the importance of understanding and navigating cultural differences for societal cohesion and global cooperation.