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Top World Politics Topics
Richard Hanania's Newsletter β€’ 1779 implied HN points β€’ 23 Dec 24
  1. Elite Human Capital institutions emerge when smart and idealistic people come together, seeking truth and shared values over just making money. These communities form naturally as individuals find others like themselves.
  2. Wealth-maximizers and meaning-maximizers represent two paths that people can take in these communities. While some focus on financial success, others prioritize making meaningful contributions to society.
  3. Authoritarian regimes often suppress elite human capital because educated people pose a threat to their power. When these institutions are stifled, it can hinder a country's overall progress and development.
In My Tribe β€’ 516 implied HN points β€’ 29 Dec 24
  1. People have different biases based on their political views. For example, those on the left focus more on oppression, while those on the right emphasize threats from outsiders.
  2. Elites are often held to higher standards than those challenging them. When elites show arrogance or suppress dissent, they can create backlash against themselves.
  3. It's important for communities to protect themselves against bad actors who misuse the idea of victimhood. Without this protection, those with harmful intentions can take control.
Activist Futurism β€’ 179 implied HN points β€’ 24 Mar 23
  1. Activism's current theories of change are considered incorrect and need to be reevaluated.
  2. Today's activist culture is perceived as broken, leading to the creation of the online Activist School to address these issues.
  3. Political ideologies are seen as limiting our imagination of what can be achieved, pushing for the importance of thinking beyond traditional boundaries and forming alliances for tackling massive global challenges.
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Dilan’s Newsletter β€’ 78 implied HN points β€’ 17 Mar 23
  1. Fighting over cultural issues can distract from more critical matters like economic policies and regulations.
  2. Cultural wars are engaging but can divert attention from issues with significant impact, such as labor policies.
  3. Media sensationalism around cultural debates can serve as a distraction while important economic decisions are made by elites.
Unreported Truths β€’ 35 implied HN points β€’ 02 Mar 24
  1. Many Americans, especially young people on the left, are losing belief in free speech and the First Amendment.
  2. Social media censorship is a crucial issue, with concerns about misinformation and how it is defined.
  3. Elite institutions, journalists, and academics have shown a diminishing appetite for free expression, with Donald Trump's election in 2016 being a significant trigger.