The hottest Populism Substack posts right now

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Top U.S. Politics Topics
Striking 13 β€’ 3833 implied HN points β€’ 22 Mar 24
  1. The Conservative party in Britain is facing potential annihilation with its support dropping drastically in polls.
  2. Populist conservatism has replaced traditional conservatism in the UK, leading to a significant ideological shift.
  3. There is a call for true conservatives to regain control and fight for the core values within the Conservative party to prevent complete ideological loss.
TK News by Matt Taibbi β€’ 1236 implied HN points β€’ 27 Jan 24
  1. The Supreme Court allowed border control agents to remove razor wire Texas installed at the Mexico border due to obstruction issues.
  2. The story only pertains to the specific technique of using razor wire at the border and not Texas' broader efforts to secure it.
  3. The Biden administration argued that the razor wire hindered agents' duties, making it harder to enforce the law and control irregular migration.
Striking 13 β€’ 1577 implied HN points β€’ 15 Dec 23
  1. The European Union navigated complex political challenges with a mix of negotiation and compromise, showcasing the effectiveness of careful diplomacy over populism.
  2. The European Union's core principle of uniting economies to prevent war is facing challenges from rising populism, border control issues, and shifts in global trade dynamics.
  3. The recent events surrounding Ukraine's EU membership aspirations highlight the importance of the European Union's approach to politics, emphasizing peace, compromise, and true freedom.
Fisted by Foucault β€’ 297 implied HN points β€’ 02 Mar 24
  1. Citizens in the West are growing suspicious of liberal democracy due to a perceived disconnect between ruling elites and the people.
  2. Populism is emerging as a response to the de-nationalization of elites, reflecting a growing sentiment of dissatisfaction with current governance.
  3. The impact of migrants from the Subcontinent, particularly in the Anglosphere, is notable in politics, culture, and economics, shaping new dynamics in their adopted countries.
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Striking 13 β€’ 1058 implied HN points β€’ 24 Nov 23
  1. Countries around the world are facing a rise in populism, with notable victories for right-wing figures like Javier Milei and Geert Wilders.
  2. While economic policies like Biden's stimulus plan have shown success, they may not always align with public perception, highlighting a disconnect.
  3. The European Union is grappling with challenges posed by populist leaders like Viktor Orban, impacting critical decisions such as Ukraine's accession talks.
A User's Guide to History β€’ 176 implied HN points β€’ 08 Feb 24
  1. Historical populism was driven not just by economic distress but also by status anxiety and feelings of disdain from urban elites.
  2. The alienation of different demographic groups from the Democratic party led to a shift in political affiliations.
  3. Political participation is not just about policy but also about belonging and feeling respected within a party.
Welcome to Absurdistan β€’ 1474 implied HN points β€’ 08 Jul 23
  1. Populism is gaining traction worldwide, as evidenced by recent events and shifts in power.
  2. Corporations and media outlets are facing resistance and pushback from a growing populist movement.
  3. There is a significant movement towards change and opposition to established systems and norms.
O Observador de Corcyra β€’ 923 implied HN points β€’ 09 Apr 23
  1. Recent decrees in Brazil are potentially reversing progress in public policies, particularly in the sanitation sector.
  2. The current government's actions reflect a historical trend of state appropriation by bureaucratic elites, impacting social and economic outcomes.
  3. Policy changes, like those affecting sanitation, may serve political interests at the expense of societal progress and taxpayer welfare.
The Abbey of Misrule β€’ 411 implied HN points β€’ 16 Mar 23
  1. Growing skepticism towards authority figures is becoming more common.
  2. Many people are losing faith in institutions and leaders in the Western world.
  3. Events like the Iraq war, the 2008 financial crisis, Brexit, Trump's presidency, and COVID-19 have contributed to a decline in trust in traditional systems.
Sex and the State β€’ 15 implied HN points β€’ 27 Feb 24
  1. Evangelical Christianity plays a role in perpetuating beliefs about female idiocy.
  2. Understanding the urban/rural divide sheds light on populist authoritarianism in the US.
  3. The influence of Evangelical Christianity on societal divisions and political movements is a critical area of study.
THE FREEDOM BLOG β€’ 255 implied HN points β€’ 02 Jul 23
  1. Populism can be effective in countering authoritarianism by representing citizen concerns over elite interests.
  2. There is a growing disconnect between political elites and ordinary citizens on various issues like censorship, trans ideology, and climate policy.
  3. Mainstream journalists have sometimes portrayed populism negatively, but it can serve as a mobilizing force against authoritarian tendencies.
The Discourses β€’ 19 implied HN points β€’ 01 Mar 23
  1. Democracy is often defended through the doctrine of popular sovereignty, but it can lead to hubris among Western peoples and leaders.
  2. Successful institutions balance competing interests and have effective mechanisms for realignment and stability.
  3. The shift towards unadulterated popular sovereignty in modern democracies can undermine the necessary undemocratic checks and balances that help maintain stability and prevent short-termism and populism.
Demodexio β€’ 0 implied HN points β€’ 08 Mar 24
  1. The new populism in politics has assisted Republicans in maintaining power by promoting crassness and violating established decorum.
  2. The change in culture towards crassness and aggression traces back in small ways to the 1980s and became more pronounced with politicians like Rush Limbaugh and Newt Gingrich.
  3. The shift towards populism post-2008, exemplified by movements like the Tea Party, has led to increased aggression and disrespect in politics, harming societal norms and decency.