The hottest Eugenics Substack posts right now

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ยกDo Not Panic! โ€ข 1316 implied HN points โ€ข 09 Feb 24
  1. Scientists predicted Covid could be a mass disabling event due to its nature of attacking every organ in the body and causing long-term health issues.
  2. The number of long-term sick individuals in the UK and USA has significantly increased, with the blame shifting to factors like lockdowns rather than the virus itself.
  3. Media and politicians are not acknowledging the correlation between increased disability rates and Covid, showing a trend of denial and blame shifting instead of addressing the real issues.
From the New World โ€ข 237 implied HN points โ€ข 19 Feb 24
  1. The New Soviet Man concept was imaginary, as evident from the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991.
  2. Egalitarian sentiment persists despite evidence of biological differences, leading to challenges in discussing individual disparities.
  3. Institutions like rule of law and free markets can serve as solutions to counteract egalitarian pathologies and promote rational behavior.
The Corbett Report โ€ข 34 implied HN points โ€ข 17 Mar 24
  1. Globalists are not hiding their intentions, openly expressing a desire to view humanity as the enemy and reduce the population.
  2. The public statements of globalists reveal a mindset of elitist eugenicists who aim for a significant decrease in the population.
  3. Understanding the openly communicated message of the globalists helps individuals clarify their own position, emphasizing the importance of valuing and preserving life.
Matt Ehret's Insights โ€ข 1277 implied HN points โ€ข 09 May 23
  1. The integration of leading Nazis into Anglo-American intelligence complex after WWII led to the rise of fascism then and now.
  2. Modern expressions of fascism seen in Ukraine and other post Soviet nations glorify Nazi collaborators.
  3. The financiers and industrialists of the 1920s -1940s were key in fueling fascism with their support and resources, showing that Hitler and Mussolini were not 'their own men'.
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The Corbett Report โ€ข 26 implied HN points โ€ข 10 Mar 24
  1. A scientific study claimed that human breathing contributes to climate change by emitting methane and nitrous oxide. However, the study's conclusions are statistically questionable and heavily biased.
  2. The study raises concerns about the underlying agenda behind such research, hinting at a dark narrative that demonizes human existence and suggests population control as a solution.
  3. The propaganda surrounding climate change, such as 'climate anxiety,' is being used to manipulate people into believing that human life itself is the problem. It is vital to recognize the sacredness of life and resist such destructive ideologies.
Parrhesia โ€ข 494 implied HN points โ€ข 28 Feb 23
  1. Opposing polygenic screening due to eugenics objections may overlook the importance of informed reproductive choices.
  2. The immorality in eugenics lies in coercion and harming people, not in the goal of improving population health.
  3. It's important to have nuanced discussions about controversial topics like PGT-P, focusing on justice and informed decision-making.
Bastiat's Window โ€ข 275 implied HN points โ€ข 06 Jun 23
  1. More than 70,000 Americans were victimized by America's eugenics movement, which peaked in the 1920s but lingered into the 2010s.
  2. Eugenics movement was supported by powerful people, based on the idea of improving the human species.
  3. Guard against destructive groupthink by fostering skepticism and questioning everything, to prevent falling prey to dangerous ideologies.