The hottest Flavors Substack posts right now

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Top Food & Drink Topics
Cocktails With Suderman 412 implied HN points 09 Feb 24
  1. A Campari Sour is a simple yet delicious cocktail perfect for Valentine's Day, combining bittersweet and complex flavors.
  2. Adding a saline solution can enhance the taste of a Campari Sour by balancing the flavors and making it more floral.
  3. Experimenting with additional ingredients like Bénédictine can add layers and depth to the Campari Sour, making it complex and comforting.
SBJournal 196 implied HN points 24 Jan 24
  1. Cocktail crafting can be challenging with sugar, but there are ways to reduce it.
  2. La Croix soda-water flavors can enhance cocktail recipes without added sugar.
  3. Experimenting with La Croix flavors in cocktails can lead to unique and tasty drinks.
Snaxshot 29 likes 20 Feb 24
  1. GenZ is reshaping the food and beverage industry by focusing on new flavor fusions, cleaner ingredients, and aesthetic appeal.
  2. GenZ's influence is evident in the rise of creator packaged goods and a new wave of unique flavors in products like MyMuse soda and Bawi's agua frescas.
  3. This generation is redefining traditional concepts in food and beverage, such as with the development of non-alcoholic aperitifs, innovative salad dressings to improve moods, and chill-able wines tailored to mood and occasion rather than origin.
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