
SBJournal explores diverse and provocative themes through personal narratives and insights. It delves into feminist issues, sexual liberation, personal growth, and societal norms, with a focus on experiences within the porn industry, motherhood, aging, and cultural reflections. The journal also touches on practical matters like cooking, publishing advice, and crafting.

Feminism and Sexual Liberation Personal Growth and Transformation Porn Industry Insights Motherhood and Parenthood Cultural Reflections and History Publishing and Writing Advice Cooking and Lifestyle Art and Photography Music and Relationships Fashion and Style

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And their main takeaways
491 implied HN points 06 Feb 24
  1. Debi faced unexpected challenges when she was cut from the dancing schedule after years of service.
  2. Debi's life took a drastic turn, including getting married and dealing with a tragic event involving her friends.
  3. The narrator, feeling overwhelmed by responsibilities, finally reaches a breaking point and realizes the need for a major change.
628 implied HN points 23 Jan 24
  1. The Daddies were supportive figures in the porn industry, providing inspiration and practical help.
  2. The Daddies had a deep understanding of beauty, sex, death, and transformation, without seeking mainstream approval.
  3. The Daddies' generosity and support created a mutual inspiration with the author, fostering a unique bond during a period of sexual revolution.
511 implied HN points 30 Jan 24
  1. Motherhood can be a transformative journey of self-discovery and growth.
  2. Parenthood involves setting a positive example through actions, such as avoiding violence, lying, and respecting privacy.
  3. Maternal instinct can bring out unexpected qualities of nurture and care in individuals.
275 implied HN points 08 Feb 24
  1. The playlist is inspired by stages of love, from infatuation to contempt, and finally to picking yourself up again.
  2. Each stage is paired with a song that captures the emotions and experiences of that particular phase of a relationship.
  3. The author draws on personal experiences and literary references to create a deeply emotional and relatable playlist for a Blue Valentine.
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452 implied HN points 09 Jan 24
  1. The 80s Lesbian Revolution in Photography challenged traditional beauty standards and stereotypes through provocative and empowering imagery.
  2. On Our Backs magazine broke barriers by featuring women photographers capturing diverse, sexual, and honest portrayals of women, disrupting the male-dominated photography industry.
  3. The models in On Our Backs were diverse and unapologetic, embracing their sexuality and challenging societal norms, sparking controversy and discussion surrounding women's desires and identities.
353 implied HN points 16 Jan 24
  1. Facing challenges in printing and distributing a feminist erotic magazine in the 80s due to societal norms and discrimination.
  2. Encountering obstacles in business operations and facing prejudice due to the nature of the content.
  3. Navigating the complexities of feminist politics, censorship, and personal relationships within the context of sexual liberation movements.
255 implied HN points 19 Jan 24
  1. The author recounts a risky and intense journey driving through a storm on Highway 17 mountain pass.
  2. The experience involved confronting a sudden flood of water on the road while driving in challenging conditions.
  3. Highway 17 is described as a dangerous but familiar route with unique characteristics and diverse types of drivers.
275 implied HN points 12 Jan 24
  1. In the publishing world, asking for favors is common but must be done carefully and thoughtfully.
  2. When seeking advice or assistance, it's important to be considerate, relevant, and professional in your approach.
  3. Do thorough research, provide necessary context, and be humble when asking for help or guidance.
235 implied HN points 15 Jan 24
  1. Martin Luther King Jr. spoke out against war, colonialism, and imperialism in his 1967 sermon.
  2. King highlighted the need for a revolution of values to address social injustices and inequality.
  3. He emphasized the importance of compassion, justice, and love in reshaping societal norms and policies.
196 implied HN points 24 Jan 24
  1. Cocktail crafting can be challenging with sugar, but there are ways to reduce it.
  2. La Croix soda-water flavors can enhance cocktail recipes without added sugar.
  3. Experimenting with La Croix flavors in cocktails can lead to unique and tasty drinks.
196 implied HN points 08 Jan 24
  1. The protagonist encounters a genie-like figure while fixing her hair in the shower
  2. The genie takes care of her hair without needing to be commanded
  3. The protagonist is left wondering about the genie's intentions and the future
157 implied HN points 17 Jan 24
  1. A dress is a complete outfit in one garment; it's about utility and style.
  2. Classic dress silhouettes like the A-line and sheath are timeless and versatile.
  3. Different dress styles require specific sewing techniques and tools, such as special needles for knits or a serger for speed and neat finishes.