The hottest Government Contracts Substack posts right now

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All-Source Intelligence Fusion 842 implied HN points 15 Jan 24
  1. Orbis Operations, led by former CIA officials, accidentally published confidential data agreements.
  2. Anomaly detection techniques used by intelligence agencies and corporations focus on detecting anomalies and insider threats.
  3. National security data brokers like Orbis fuse various data sources for surveillance and intelligence gathering.
All-Source Intelligence Fusion 501 implied HN points 17 Nov 23
  1. The National Science Foundation is using Clearview AI to investigate grant applicants with common names.
  2. The NSF is focusing on situations involving foreign influence, foreign recruitment, and foreign talent programs.
  3. Privacy concerns are not being addressed in the NSF's purchase of Clearview AI's facial recognition capabilities.
All-Source Intelligence Fusion 40 implied HN points 18 May 23
  1. Pentagon re-awarded $9 billion cloud contracts to U.S. tech giants like Google and Oracle.
  2. The replacement for canceled JEDI program is Joint Warfighting Cloud Capability (JWCC) with better risk mitigation.
  3. The contracting process has been a major obstacle with reversals in payouts and lack of transparency.
All-Source Intelligence Fusion 20 implied HN points 20 Jun 23
  1. Babel Street announced the launch of its "Insights GPT" large language model.
  2. Babel Street aims to transition from a cellphone location-tracking firm to an artificial intelligence company.
  3. The Insights GPT platform may have significant government surveillance use cases, such as summarizing data on the Chinese Communist Party.
CyberSecurityMew 0 implied HN points 27 Nov 23
  1. The concept of Remote Browser Isolation (RBI) was first developed and deployed in 2010 at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, known as SafeWeb.
  2. RBI technology, integrated into Security Access Service Edge (SASE) framework, helps protect against web-based threats by isolating user web browsing activity from internal networks.
  3. Implementing RBI, as recommended by CISA, is widely accepted as a strategic architecture decision by large organizations dedicated to a zero-trust approach, helping reduce attack surface and enhance cybersecurity.
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