The hottest Intelligence Community Substack posts right now

And their main takeaways
Top U.S. Politics Topics
Today's Edition Newsletter β€’ 8824 implied HN points β€’ 09 Oct 23
  1. The attack on Israel happened during a time of deep political division in the country.
  2. Republicans have been obstructing the confirmation of diplomatic appointments in the Middle East.
  3. Senator Tommy Tuberville has blocked the appointment of 300 senior officers in the US military.
The New Normal β€’ 10161 implied HN points β€’ 01 Aug 23
  1. The response to COVID had characteristics of a coup orchestrated by the western intelligence community.
  2. Western intelligence authorities were behind key aspects of the COVID response, like social distancing policies and pandemic simulations.
  3. The illiberalism and propaganda in the COVID response were driven by the western intelligence community, pointing to potential corruption and influence.
The Dossier β€’ 4579 implied HN points β€’ 18 Sep 23
  1. A Ukrainian military spokesperson made controversial statements and later confirmed/denied being a U.S. government asset.
  2. The spokesperson declared that Russia's 'propagandists' would be 'hunted down' worldwide.
  3. There are questions raised about broader American support for the Ukraine war effort.
The New Normal β€’ 2869 implied HN points β€’ 04 May 23
  1. US intelligence officials are suspected of covering up knowledge about COVID in November 2019.
  2. There is evidence showing discrepancies in intelligence reports regarding the timeline of COVID information.
  3. The implications of a cover-up by US intelligence agencies raise concerns about accountability and transparency.
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