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The Century of Biology 535 implied HN points 17 Sep 23
  1. DNA sequencing technology has rapidly advanced, transforming biology into an information science.
  2. Illumina emerged as a dominant force in genomics by inventing a new measurement technology and establishing enduring differential returns over time.
  3. Illumina's strategic business properties like cornered resources, switching costs, network economies, scale economies, and branding have enabled its market dominance and recurring revenue from consumables.
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SuperJoost Playlist 1 HN point 06 Oct 23
  1. Platforms dominate the top of the games industry, with 8 out of 10 largest firms being platforms in 2022.
  2. Platforms have grown much faster in revenue compared to publishers, with a compound growth rate of 17% versus 2% respectively.
  3. Successful game studios are expected to bypass platforms, build their own communities, and focus on engaging their fanbase.