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Infinitely More β€’ 15 implied HN points β€’ 02 Mar 24
  1. A formal language for first-order predicate logic involves understanding the basic syntax, terms, variables, and structure interpretations.
  2. Signatures in structures specify the elements like relations, functions, and constants in a mathematical structure, detailing their features and meanings.
  3. Mathematics uses a wide array of first-order structures to study various concepts like orders, graphs, groups, and more, unifying different mathematical investigations.
Infinitely More β€’ 12 implied HN points β€’ 19 Feb 24
  1. First-order predicate logic provides a formal language and semantics capable of expressing fine distinctions and shades of meaning.
  2. Understanding quantifiers, such as βˆƒ and βˆ€, is crucial in first-order logic as they allow one to make statements like 'there is an x such that Ο†' or 'every x has property Ο†.'
  3. Engaging in logic puzzles and practice can help in developing a deeper comprehension of first-order logic concepts and their applications.
Infinitely More β€’ 5 implied HN points β€’ 07 Mar 24
  1. Truth in a structure is defined by recursion on sentences, reducing to assertions with temporary assignments of variables
  2. The concept of valuation in a model involves assigning variables to specific individuals, treating them as constants in that context
  3. Tarski's disquotational theory of truth posits that an assertion is true when the proposition it asserts is true, forming the foundation of a compositional theory of truth
Philosophy bear β€’ 69 implied HN points β€’ 28 Jun 23
  1. Ethical subjectivism argues that moral statements reflect individual values or the values a better version of oneself would hold.
  2. Speaker subjectivism provides reasons for moral actions based on what a better version of oneself would want.
  3. Speaker-subjectivist semantics offer benefits like explaining moral truths, guiding moral debates, and accounting for confidence in moral beliefs.
Ethics Under Construction β€’ 2 HN points β€’ 03 Mar 24
  1. Language is complex and words can have multiple meanings depending on context. Understanding the sense and reference of words is crucial.
  2. The concept of 'woman' can have different meanings based on social or biological contexts. Recognizing these different senses is important for productive discussions.
  3. Biological sex may be irrelevant in many situations, but there are contexts, like athletics, where it remains important. Balancing different senses of 'woman' is key to resolving debates about gender identity.
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The Elbow β€’ 39 implied HN points β€’ 09 Jul 23
  1. Enjambment is a technique in writing where a thought is split between lines or structural units for reading flow.
  2. Enjambment is not only found in poetry, but also in other mediums like film and music, enhancing the flow of storytelling.
  3. Enjambment can be applied in non-poetic writing, such as prose, by strategically breaking up paragraphs or sentences to create suspense and flow.
Autodidact Obsessions β€’ 0 implied HN points β€’ 12 Feb 24
  1. The post discusses the reimagined scene symbolizing Husserl and Wittgenstein's victory over post-structuralist thought.
  2. The author integrates notions of semantic intention and private vs. public language into a comprehensive format.
  3. The dialogue with ChatGPT-4 reveals the author's struggle with interface problems and the need for specific inquiry to achieve desired outcomes.