The hottest Software companies Substack posts right now

And their main takeaways
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Kyle Poyar’s Growth Unhinged β€’ 631 implied HN points β€’ 26 Jul 23
  1. Sales compensation design involves understanding company goals, seller profiles, and using compensation to drive desired behaviors.
  2. Components of a sales compensation plan include OTE, base salary, variable comp, quota, quota attainment, and more.
  3. When designing a sales compensation plan for a PLG business, consider business goals, roles needed, best practices, and behaviors to incentivize.
The Odin Times β€’ 98 implied HN points β€’ 06 Aug 23
  1. Network effects are crucial for predicting outlier returns in venture capital investments.
  2. Different types of network effects exist in modern software companies, each with varying degrees of value and defensibility.
  3. Software companies with network effects have seen tremendous value creation in the tech industry, making network effects a significant factor for successful startups.
Clouded Judgement β€’ 10 implied HN points β€’ 09 Jun 23
  1. Consumption trends in Q1 '23 show some positive signs for certain software companies.
  2. Some companies like Mongo and Azure are showing strength, while others like AWS and Snowflake are facing challenges.
  3. Overall, the sentiment on consumption software trends suggests a possible back half acceleration in the future.
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Andrew's Substack β€’ 0 implied HN points β€’ 26 Jun 23
  1. Understand the core insight in questions from executives to address feedback effectively.
  2. When users consistently do something 'wrong,' it might be the system that needs adjustment, not the users.
  3. Quality of screen time matters more than quantity - evaluate how apps respect your time and attention.