The hottest Tech community Substack posts right now

And their main takeaways
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A Perfectly Cromulent Software Engineer 99 implied HN points 07 Apr 24
  1. In some tech communities, there's a concept called 'No True Scotsman' fallacy where group definitions get reshaped to exclude counterexamples.
  2. Humor in tech, especially when joking about expertise, can inadvertently lead to gatekeeping and exclusion, promoting dogmatism and fragmentation.
  3. Tech choices should not define our worth or belonging - divisive jokes can lead to isolated communities that hinder growth and acceptance.
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Joseph Gefroh 0 implied HN points 11 Feb 24
  1. Be cautious when listening to the tech community for advice on adopting new technologies, as not all ideas are suitable for every situation.
  2. Context is critical in decision-making - what works for one team or company might not work for another, so be careful with blindly following community consensus.
  3. Most developers, including many who produce content, may not be experts, so it's important to thoroughly evaluate advice before implementation and consider the source's background.