The hottest Personal Reflection Substack posts right now

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Sparks from Culture by David Roberts β€’ 1375 implied HN points β€’ 10 Feb 24
  1. Childhood environment can deeply influence a person's perspective and attachment to a place.
  2. Living in contrasting environments, like from a luxurious childhood home to a more humble college dorm, can lead to reflections on personal identity and values.
  3. Relationships and life changes can shift priorities and redefine what home and belonging mean to someone.
The Commonplace β€’ 1277 implied HN points β€’ 17 Oct 23
  1. Prudence is the queen of all virtues because it guides our actions and helps us make good decisions.
  2. The four cardinal virtues are prudence, fortitude, temperance, and justice, providing a foundation for a moral life.
  3. Cultivating prudence involves thinking, making a choice, and taking action, leading to wise decision-making in everyday life.
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Sarah Bessey's Field Notes β€’ 1081 implied HN points β€’ 18 Sep 23
  1. The author is trying to simplify their life by decluttering and organizing.
  2. Simplifying things can initially make everything seem overwhelming before it gets better.
  3. The post also includes a round-up of interesting and thought-provoking links for readers to explore.
Anxiety Addiction & Ascension β€’ 118 implied HN points β€’ 20 Nov 23
  1. The essence of Fight Club resonates with a rejection of consumerism and mainstream societal expectations, particularly targeting materialism and globalism.
  2. The movie's deeper meanings and interpretations vary widely, sparking discussions on masculinity, rebellion, and individual identity.
  3. Personal experiences often reflect the themes explored in Fight Club, highlighting the consequences of prioritizing material possessions and societal norms over genuine fulfillment and self-awareness.
Eclecticism: Reflections on literature, writing and life β€’ 25 implied HN points β€’ 02 Feb 24
  1. Going viral might not be worth the effort in terms of actual benefit, like gaining subscribers.
  2. Writing in a way to chase virality can be exhausting and may not align with personal writing style or goals.
  3. Focusing on writing that is engaging and enjoyable for oneself is more important than trying to create content just to go viral.
The Recovering Academic β€’ 197 implied HN points β€’ 02 May 23
  1. Anne Bradstreet, the first published American poet, challenges ideological assumptions through her work, requiring readers to reevaluate their preconceptions.
  2. Bradstreet's poems like 'The Author to Her Book' and 'Prologue' showcase her rhetorical mastery and ability to disarm while conveying powerful messages.
  3. In 'The Flesh and the Spirit,' Bradstreet explores internal conflicts and spiritual themes, providing a blend of personal introspection and theological exploration.
A Perfectly Cromulent Software Engineer β€’ 19 implied HN points β€’ 19 Nov 23
  1. The messiness of life, similar to the experience of peanut butter, can be a blend of chaos and delight.
  2. Good things leave a mark, and even though they may make a mess, they are worth savoring.
  3. The struggle to find meaning and make sense of chaos, like relating peanut butter to career and relationship experiences, can itself be an intriguing journey.
The False Consensus Effect β€’ 39 implied HN points β€’ 14 May 21
  1. Art is not for sale as a commodity; it should continue beyond the sale and be a process that the buyer engages in.
  2. Consider boycotting products that support causes you do not agree with, like Sabra hummus supporting Israeli military bosses.
  3. Engage in practical actions, like supporting political candidates aligned with your values, to address issues you are passionate about, such as challenging Apartheid.
the rohn report β€’ 19 implied HN points β€’ 24 Dec 20
  1. The author emphasizes feeling disconnected from the constant news cycle and is uninterested in forming strong opinions due to the negative aspects observed in the world.
  2. Reflections on societal issues like exploitative economic practices, questionable governmental systems, and manipulation of voter opinions are highlighted, pointing towards a need for a significant change rather than minor adjustments.
  3. The piece concludes by focusing on the positive aspects of life, such as gratitude, happiness, and personal experiences, suggesting that these are more enriching and important than the chaotic news cycle.