The hottest Productivity Substack posts right now

And their main takeaways
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Escaping Flatland 1749 implied HN points 02 May 23
  1. The internet is like an alien entity that we are still learning to navigate, and it requires practice to use it well.
  2. Approach internet use as a practice, with structure and clear goals to focus your efforts and make better decisions.
  3. Block or prune distracting or negative online habits to make space for things that truly bring value and joy.
My Sweet Dumb Brain 1749 implied HN points 14 Mar 23
  1. The author has transitioned from focusing on 'leaning in' or 'leaning out' to simply trying to lean in different aspects of life.
  2. Taking on extra work can alleviate financial worries but bring new stressors of time management and choices.
  3. The societal view on work and success has shifted from a 'work harder' mentality to recognizing the importance of balance, mental health, and avoiding burnout.
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Both Are True 543 implied HN points 07 Nov 23
  1. Many of us hate being constantly on social media but find it hard to stop.
  2. Our constant need for achievement and validation online can lead to anxiety and a sense of never doing enough.
  3. Taking breaks from social media and setting boundaries with technology can help regain self-control and focus on other fulfilling activities.
Technology Made Simple 139 implied HN points 17 Feb 24
  1. The remote work vs in-person debate is becoming more divisive with many companies now choosing to return to in-person work.
  2. Financial reasons such as increased turnover due to layoffs, real estate investments, and management preferences are driving companies to push for in-person work.
  3. Despite the preference for traditional office culture, studies show remote work can be just as productive, inclusive, and even boost creativity and performance.
Tanay’s Newsletter 119 implied HN points 22 Feb 24
  1. AI is enhancing productivity and quality in knowledge work like software engineering and customer support.
  2. AI benefits are not uniform; it tends to help lower performers more, but can also assist top performers by reducing menial tasks.
  3. AI is not a cure-all; it has limitations and understanding when to use it is crucial for optimal results.
Running Lean Mastery 137 implied HN points 10 Feb 24
  1. Time in a startup is pulled in different directions - outside and inside the building. Startup founders need to balance both effectively.
  2. Creating a flow state is crucial for productivity. Flow involves being fully immersed in a task, limiting interruptions, and receiving immediate feedback.
  3. To optimize work, establish uninterrupted time blocks for focused tasks, prioritize maker goals early in the day, and schedule manager activities later to maintain flow.
High ROI Data Science 176 implied HN points 23 Jan 24
  1. Success in the new work world requires being forward-looking and prescriptive, not just reacting to trends.
  2. Manufacturing luck involves positioning early in emerging trends to have more opportunities and be better prepared.
  3. To stay relevant, focus on upskilling in areas that align with future trends and combine vision, follow-through, and productivity.
Implications, by Scott Belsky 825 implied HN points 06 Aug 23
  1. The author shares thoughts on running that can be applied to leading teams and building products.
  2. Starting small with running led to unexpected benefits in life, leadership, and creativity.
  3. The author encourages readers to find their own 'running equivalent' to experience similar benefits.
Artificial Ignorance 142 implied HN points 18 Jan 24
  1. GPTs are valuable for improving productivity with advanced prompts, document uploads, and external APIs.
  2. Building a business solely around GPTs is challenging due to factors like limited IP protection, competition, and uncertain revenue sharing.
  3. The true potential of GPTs lies in internal company use cases, where they can enhance efficiency and workflow automation.
Venture Prose 419 implied HN points 04 Sep 23
  1. Success is about making people around you happy, including employees and customers, while also ensuring profitability for sustainability.
  2. Having a healthy balance is crucial; success should not drain all your energy, you must prioritize maintaining your physical and mental well-being to last in the long run.
  3. Happiness and fulfillment come from connecting with your inner self and surrounding yourself with the right people who share your aspirations and provide support.
Litverse 139 implied HN points 27 Dec 23
  1. Laziness is equated with greed and ugliness by the author, representing a lack of contribution to life
  2. Being idle leads to stagnation and loss of self, portraying idle people as uninteresting swamp creatures
  3. Earn your leisure by balancing work and relaxation, engaging in constructive leisure activities rather than aimless consumption
Implications, by Scott Belsky 648 implied HN points 06 Mar 23
  1. Focus on creating great features, not just products, in the startup ecosystem.
  2. Consider how excess productivity from AI can be used in entertainment, philosophy, and creative projects.
  3. The rise of AI will shift jobs to industries less impacted by AI, emphasizing qualitative skills and the importance of imagination and creativity.
The ZenMode 42 implied HN points 21 Feb 24
  1. Set clear work boundaries and create a dedicated workspace to improve productivity.
  2. Break tasks into manageable sprints, schedule breaks, and prioritize self-care for peak performance.
  3. Declutter and personalize your workspace, invest in ergonomic furniture, and optimize your sleep for better overall well-being.