The Chancery Daily

The Chancery Daily offers insights into the Delaware Court of Chancery, focusing on significant legal cases and the court's operation. It covers high-profile litigation involving major companies like AMC and Tesla, delves into legal strategies, procedural nuances, and the implications of court decisions, while occasionally touching on broader social media and legal commentary themes.

Legal Analysis Court Operations High-Profile Litigation Legal Strategy and Procedural Nuances Delaware Legal System Social Media Commentary Corporate Governance

Top posts of the year

And their main takeaways
569 implied HN points β€’ 21 Jul 23
  1. Decision day has finally arrived for AMC.
  2. The long-awaited opinion has been released, suggesting a challenging road ahead.
  3. The anticipated date for the opinion's release turned out to be correct.
491 implied HN points β€’ 15 May 23
  1. Leaving Twitter can be challenging due to personal, practical, and ideological reasons.
  2. Building a following on Twitter brought professional and personal growth, but also complexities and challenges to manage.
  3. Considering other platforms like Bluesky or the Fediverse, but recognizing the need to step back from short-form social media for mental health and productivity.
Get a weekly roundup of the best Substack posts, by hacker news affinity:
432 implied HN points β€’ 07 Aug 23
  1. The author discusses the importance of a consolidated complaint in legal cases.
  2. The author highlights the significance of certain comments made in an opinion.
  3. The author questions the impact of procedural details in a specific legal scenario.
412 implied HN points β€’ 01 Aug 23
  1. The author expresses frustration about their content being used without permission on YouTube videos.
  2. Subscription fees are meant to support providing access to content for those who cannot afford it.
  3. Discussion about legal matters related to Izzo's Motion to Maintain the Status Quo Order Pending Appeal.
393 implied HN points β€’ 30 Jul 23
  1. There are ongoing developments in the AMC situation that can be easy to miss.
  2. Small details are important and can impact the overall situation.
  3. This post is for paid subscribers only.
373 implied HN points β€’ 31 Jul 23
  1. The common thread in the post is the importance of giving a fuck about the work you do and the people around you.
  2. The show "The Bear" exemplifies the idea of moving purposefully and fixing things, rather than moving fast and breaking things.
  3. The story shared reflects on personal mortality consciousness, a deep work ethic, and the value of caring deeply about work and people.