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Top Philosophy Topics
Overthinking Everything 419 implied HN points 27 Feb 23
  1. Reading philosophy books can offer stellar examples that stand out and make you think beyond the theories presented.
  2. The examples in philosophy books can be more memorable and impactful than conceptual tools, helping to anchor thoughts and ideas in a relatable context.
  3. Stories in philosophy books, rich with human experiences, can provide valuable insights and prompts for reflection on ethical dilemmas and thought processes.
Logging the World 219 implied HN points 28 Dec 22
  1. When adding numbers, there are basic properties like getting another number, having a special zero that doesn't change sums, and having partners that return to zero when added.
  2. Mathematicians use abstraction to find essential properties, like in groups, to study various systems efficiently and effectively.
  3. Seeking historical analogies in current events can be misleading; it's important to understand the limitations of models and not be overconfident in applying mathematical rules to real-world situations.
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