The hottest Mobile Phones Substack posts right now

And their main takeaways
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Rahul’s Newsletter 39 implied HN points 16 Oct 23
  1. Experimenting with using a basic phone instead of a smartphone to reduce screen time and regain focus.
  2. Comparison of features and trade-offs between an iPhone and a basic Nokia phone for different user needs.
  3. Challenges and benefits of transitioning to a basic phone, like missing out on certain apps but gaining better focus and less distraction.
Fight to Repair 19 implied HN points 30 Aug 22
  1. An independent mechanic fixed a Tesla Model 3 for $15,000 less than Tesla's quoted price by using a simple repair procedure.
  2. A new paper outlines strategies for strengthening the right to repair, emphasizing the need to challenge manufacturer practices hindering repair accessibility.
  3. Consumer advocates are pushing for quicker implementation of the 'right to repair' policy, to combat high repair costs and promote longer-lasting products.
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